EDmodel / ED2

Ecosystem Demography Model
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SLA in ED2 #129

Open Viskari opened 8 years ago

Viskari commented 8 years ago


This is more of a curiosity question. I've been going over the default values in ED2 and noticed that for hardwood PFTs the SLA values are given as follow:

SLA( 9) = 30.0 SLA(10) = 24.2 SLA(11) = 60.0

While I will need to change some of those values, I was wondering where the value for PFT 11 comes from, as it seems like a large outlier from the rest of the values.

-- Toni

serbinsh commented 8 years ago

Hey @mdietze or @mpaiao or @rgknox any ideas?

mdietze commented 8 years ago

They're from Albani et al 2006 "SLA values were assigned based on species-spe- cific values from Reich et al. (1998a), Villar & Merino (2001), Bauer et al. (2001) and from values measured at Harvard Forest (J. Hadley, personal communication) (see Table 1)."

That said, this is why I build a system for synthesizing trait data while maintaining traceability back to the original papers! I doubt you'll find those specific numbers in any of those 4 papers.

serbinsh commented 8 years ago

Ha! Ok, thanks @mdietze. @Viskari does this help?