EECS581Team15 / WifiLMR

A land mobile radio-like product for unlicensed campus-wide use.
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Implement the backend calling module #30

Open zjcers opened 5 years ago

zjcers commented 5 years ago

In the backend, the calling module will implement an interface to control the Mumble server (murmur). murmur exposes two interfaces: a DBus API and an Ice one. The DBus one is deprecated, but still supported. The biggest difference between the two is that the Ice API is more complete. One the other hand, the DBus one may be easier to interact with since we're already using DBus for other things.

aamirani commented 5 years ago

Running into issues with DBus not being initialized and issues with Murmur running. Issue could be either due to Docker instance or Network (Tested on JAYHAWK, need more testing at home)