EEEManchester / gazebo_radiation_plugin

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[radmap-12] process has died #7

Open MirianaDrago opened 2 years ago

MirianaDrago commented 2 years ago

I launched the radiation demonstrator launch file using the below:

'roslaunch -v gazebo_radiation_plugins radiation_demonstrator.launch'

and although it worked and everything loads up, I get the following error:

[radmap-12] process has died [pid 198490, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/noetic/lib/costmap_2d/costmap_2d_node name:=radmap log:=/home/miriana/.ros/log/016aa63c-7179-11ed-8c7b-4761c83c5107/radmap-12.log]. log file: /home/miriana/.ros/log/016aa63c-7179-11ed-8c7b-4761c83c5107/radmap-12*.log

Is there anything I could do to remove this error? or shall I ignore it? I'm using ROS Noetic on Ubuntu 20.04.


DrAndyWest commented 1 year ago

Hi Miriana,

Thanks for getting in contact. The code is currently not built for Noetic, see issue here as an example of things being broken. It could be range of issues.

Over Christmas 2022 and the new year the code will be tidied up and hopefully will be tested on Noetic. Keep an eye out in the mean time.

Feel free to get in touch for help.