EEParker / aspnetcore-vueclimiddleware

Helpers for building single-page applications on ASP.NET MVC Core using Vue Cli or Quasar Cli.
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How can I run the vue process externally? #47

Closed evolvedlight closed 4 years ago

evolvedlight commented 4 years ago


I have a standard core 3.1 app with vue.js. It's using this to serve the clientapp with hot reload. However many of the changes I need to make mean that I need to restart the c# side, which also means I have to wait 30 seconds for the vue.js app to compile.

Is there any way to connect to an already running instance of npm serve? I'd like to be able to run it separately so I don't wait so long each time. If it's possible but not documented or implemented, I'm happy to try to contribute a PR.

Thanks, Steve

EEParker commented 4 years ago

That scenario would be covered by the default UseProxyToSpaDevelopmentServer instead of this middleware. You can manually launch your web app with npm server or the command you have set up.

evolvedlight commented 4 years ago

Great, thanks very much :)