EESI / themetagenomics

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Error in vis() : subscript out of bounds #16

Open mgosborn opened 3 years ago

mgosborn commented 3 years ago

Hi there, thank you for developing such a cool package!

I'm working with a dataset of plant microbes and plant biomass. Reads were classified with SILVA through metaxa2. I'm trying to visualize topic effects with this command and am running into the following error:

vis(TOPIC_EFFECTS, type = 'taxa') Error in x[bad_names, tax] : subscript out of bounds

Here's how I made the themetadata class objects:

CLEAN <- prepare_data(otu_table=otumat, rows_are_taxa=FALSE, tax_table=taxmat, metadata=metadata_merged, formula=~s(plant_biomass), cn_normalize=FALSE, drop=TRUE)

TOPICS <- find_topics(CLEAN,K=15) TOPIC_EFFECTS <- est(TOPICS)

How can I troubleshoot this error?