I'm curious why the output of the t4f() function produces non-whole numbers when the input is whole numbers and no normalization is applied. Maybe i'm not understanding what the fxn_table is reporting, but I assumed it was counts of each KEGG pathway (k0001 ...) found in each sample.
As an aside, I'm hoping to use the output of this functional assignment and import it to DESeq2. DESeq2 requires whole numbers for its negative binomial model. If another route is better, I'm happy to try that.
I'm curious why the output of the t4f() function produces non-whole numbers when the input is whole numbers and no normalization is applied. Maybe i'm not understanding what the fxn_table is reporting, but I assumed it was counts of each KEGG pathway (k0001 ...) found in each sample.
taxonomy table
OTU table
tmp <- tempdir() download_ref(tmp,reference='silva_ko',overwrite=FALSE)
FUNCTIONS <- t4f(otu_table = seqtab.nochim,rows_are_taxa=FALSE,tax_table = taxa, reference_path=tmp,type='uproc',short=TRUE, cn_normalize=FALSE,sample_normalize=FALSE,drop=TRUE) #might need unnormalized for deseq.
produces non-whole numbers.