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error during system.time(TOPIC_EFFECTS <- est(TOPICS)) #20

Open prialp55 opened 3 years ago

prialp55 commented 3 years ago

Hi. I'm getting an error while trying to run this code line system.time(TOPIC_EFFECTS <- est(TOPICS)) I successfully created and visualized the topics, but when I try to estimate their effects I get the following error: Error in dimnames (x) <- dn: Length of 'dimnames' [2] not equal to the array size Additionally: Warning message: In cbind (colnames (modelframe_full), t (multiclasses)): number of rows of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1) Timing stopped at: 0.22 0 0.22 and the TOPIC_EFFECTS object is not created. I was wondering if you have an idea of why I'm getting this error. Thanks!