I have a problem with the picrust analysis, i got the error:
Error in picrust_otu(file.path(reference_path, ref_fn, fsep = platform_sep()), :
Not compatible with STRSXP: [type=NULL].
[my feature table is from qiime2 and my taxonomy too]
my Rscript is the following:
I have a problem with the picrust analysis, i got the error: Error in picrust_otu(file.path(reference_path, ref_fn, fsep = platform_sep()), : Not compatible with STRSXP: [type=NULL].
[my feature table is from qiime2 and my taxonomy too] my Rscript is the following:
Error in picrust_otu(file.path(reference_path, ref_fn, fsep = platform_sep()), : Not compatible with STRSXP: [type=NULL].
[the dabase, was downloaded as zip and decompressed manually from: https://gitlab.com/sw1/themetagenomics_data/ and i save them into referencia/ghr directory]