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Documentation missing/needed #10

Closed pstoehr closed 8 years ago

pstoehr commented 8 years ago

The description of the details response formate shows that the JSON-object being returned consists of a documentBadge which is an array of information pieces. Each of these elements consists of four key-value-entries. As id, uri und provider are part of the getDetails-command the detail--entry seems to be the interesting part. Unfortunately the wiki-article "[21.09.2015] Request and Response format" has no information about the structure of detail-part. A short description would be helpful!

pstoehr commented 8 years ago

To clarify the issue above. Some of the results returned by the PP lead to closed-source documents.

For example the URI returned within this documentBadge {  "documentBadge": [    {      "provider": "Wissenmedia",      "id": "sl23519766",      "detail": {        "eexcessProxy": {          "edmlanguage": "de",          "dcidentifier": "sl23519766",          "edmpreview": "http:\/\/\/wissensserver\/media\/?a=v&c=file-system&v=ws-mediensuche&reswidth=98&resheight=98&width=100&height=100&origin=center&border=1x1&background=FAFAFA&bordercolor=ddd&u=jadis\/incoming\/STW_277.jpg",          "dctermsdate": "2015-06-01T05:03:14Z",          "wgs84lat": "49.4277868790933",          "dcdescription": "KaiserslauternKaiserslautern,\u00a0kreisfreie Stadt und Verwaltungssitz des Landkreises Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, 233\u00a0m\u00a0\u00fcber dem Meeresspiegel, an der Lauter, am Nordwestrand des Pf\u00e4lzer Waldes, 97\u00a0200 Einwohner;\u00a0Technische Universit\u00e4t...",          "dctitle": "Kaiserslautern",          "edmeuropeanaProxy": "false",          "wgs84long": "7.77916608423087"        }      },      "uri": "http:\/\/\/wissensserver\/view.html?a=t&r=CURRENT&i=sl23519766&s=BEP&v=eexcess&w=EEXCESS"    }  ],  "queryID": "234086972" }

can only be accessed if the user has an login at

A client-software that tries to fetch the URI has to interpreted the message returned by to find out that this document is not freely accessible.

It would be helpful if the PP would return this piece of information within the detail-part of the documentBadge.

chseifert commented 8 years ago

This is related to (user-centric view on google docs plugin). The core question (apart from the documentation issue), is how we handle closed sources

Michael, this is something we need to discuss "globally" - could you comment your view (I assigned you this issue)

mgrani commented 8 years ago

I would opt for solution 2 until the deployment and then change the api to a better solution. Simply because i dont want to change the api now (but in the next iteration).

In the next iteration we need to move on to a better, more transparent solution (E.g. a flag for return non-open access content)

chseifert commented 8 years ago

As discussed in the hangout, closed sources will be removed completely (Thomas agreed to take care of this)

mgrani commented 8 years ago

In addition, we will discuss a better solution at the next meeting. meanwhile topic closed