Open Colan71 opened 10 months ago
Hi, the upcoming version of eForms-DE (1.2) will be based on the eForms-EU SDK 1.10. All EU rules that are not blacklisted because they contradict german rules will be implemented. (blacklisted/excluded rules can be found here:
I sadly didn't find the specific condition you mentioned in the schematron files, but there are rules looking very similar:
<rule context="/*/cac:ProcurementProject/cac:RealizedLocation/cac:Address/cbc:Region">
<assert id="BR-BT-00727-0154" role="ERROR" test="normalize-space(.) = ('anyw', 'anyw-cou', 'anyw-eea')">rule|text|BR-BT-00727-0154</assert>
<rule context="/*/cac:ProcurementProject/cac:RealizedLocation/cac:Address[$noticeSubType = '1']">
<assert id="BR-BT-05141-0004" role="ERROR" diagnostics="BT-5141-Procedure" test="count(cac:Country/cbc:IdentificationCode) > 0 or (cbc:Region/normalize-space(text()) = ('anyw','anyw-eea'))">rule|text|BR-BT-05141-0004</assert>
the second rule also exists for a variety of different noticeSubTypes..
So by default i would say yes. But this still needs to be discussed by KoSIT. Feel free to contact KoSIT directly
Hi, Can we expect you to implement the same condition as TED has for the BT-5141-Procedure and BT-5141-Lot in an upcoming SDK version? "condition" : "{ND-LotPlacePerformance} ${BT-727-Lot in ('anyw', 'anyw-eea')}",
Kind regards, Åsa