EFEducationFirstMobile / librabbitmq-objc

Objective-C wrapper for librabbitmq-c
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Xcode 6 compile error #4

Open phamquochoan opened 10 years ago

phamquochoan commented 10 years ago

screen shot 2014-09-23 at 9 08 46 am

I got this error while using xcode6 and I tried many ways to fix this but nothing worked. Meanwhile, I'm able to build and run with xcode5 (have to disable some ios 8's code because xcode 5 doesn't know it)

Can you give me some help please ? Thank you.

dmakarenko commented 10 years ago

Hi @phamquochoan.

Thanks for raising the issue. It looks like a clang bug. We are submitting a bug report to Apple at the moment. Will try to let you know when I have any news.