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Use diffconfig to generate a minimial .config #201

Open jsha opened 10 years ago

jsha commented 10 years ago

cerowrt/scripts/diffconfig.sh should allow us to turn our full OWrt/config-OWrt into a config that only contains the settings that we actually changed, which will make keeping up with upstream changes simpler.

build000 commented 10 years ago

Please enter a valid set of packets properly built image file README.md, or elsewhere in the sources, or "out" - has so far not managed to build a proper image based on the build.sh - still the script is faulty and creates an image without python-mini-eff, dropbear-xinetd, etc.. (6.5 MB) - generally very dysfunctional openwrt. I do not know how you manage to build the right image openwireless based on this script. Please also about a step by step description of what, in principle, be performed before you run build.sh - I've tried many tricks and practical need to manually install packages from feeds cerowrt, openwrt, etc... Generally comes to me "something" but I'm not sure what it is and whether it is compatible with the project. Rebuild.sh script still does not exist and I have no clue as to what it was mentioned in README.md - I guess only that this script only build the right image - is that right ?

build000 commented 10 years ago

Well - if no response to my questions I decided to remedy the same thing on the problems associated with building the image. Of course, I do not know whether this is a valid image, because there is still no package list for comparison. Request to the authors that something helped and responded in this issue - the proper script build.sh or the previously mentioned step by step instructions, or lack rebuild.sh script. Here are my scribble - it may be useful to someone: http://wklej.org/id/1428579/ There are problems with the lack of python-curl (you can then install with the option "- nodeps") and redundantly added mdnsd (in git changes made, please ceropackages). Probably something I'm doing wrong, and the development is heavily. How anyone have any ideas on how to put an end to the accuracy of this script, please help. Some packages need to add in menuconfig (which provides the script). You can also add a few, such as nano or htop (not their default). My build image: http://www4.zippyshare.com/v/22248363/file.html My rootfs: http://www16.zippyshare.com/v/75608484/file.html

Rangak commented 10 years ago

Sorry we have been very busy getting a release out. I am tracking your comments and will put in a fix for the build issues after we get the release out. Please rest assured someone is paying attention. Just too much going on here.

build000 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for any response - resets then be patient and wait for a positive change in the said subject. Until then bandaged my script relevant comments. The second version of the script: http://wklej.org/id/1428601/