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Update sendAppToRouter script for Mac OS X #270

Open Rangak opened 9 years ago

Rangak commented 9 years ago

The script uses inotifywatch which is not available on a Mac. Detect platform and use an equivalent tool for Mac such as fswatch.

Location of script : https://github.com/EFForg/OpenWireless/blob/master/sendAppToRouter

Context: https://github.com/EFForg/OpenWireless#deploy-changes-to-router

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I have connected to an OpenWireless router into which I have ssh access. (See OW wireless setup #287 to learn how to get ssh access). And I have ran ./sendAppToRouter --continuous

When I have made a change to a file in the routerapi ( see https://github.com/EFForg/OpenWireless/tree/master/routerapi) directory on my Mac

Then I ssh to the router and cat the file changed and the change should be present.

Rangak commented 9 years ago

Location of script : https://github.com/EFForg/OpenWireless/blob/master/sendAppToRouter

Context: https://github.com/EFForg/OpenWireless#deploy-changes-to-router

Acceptance Criteria:

Given I have connected to an OpenWireless router into which I have ssh access. (See OW wireless setup #287 to learn how to get ssh access). And I have ran ./sendAppToRouter --continuous And I have made a change to a file in the routerapi ( see https://github.com/EFForg/OpenWireless/tree/master/routerapi) directory on my Mac

When I ssh to the router and cat the file changed Then the change should be present on the router