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Internationalize the Dashboard page #288

Open jsha opened 9 years ago

jsha commented 9 years ago

Right now all aspects of the OpenWireless UI are English-only. We'd like to internationalize them. To start, we should internationalize the Dashboard page. Right now some of the strings on that page are interpolated by the Python code and some are interpolated by Mustache in Javascript. We should change this to interpolate all strings from Javascript, and use an internationalization (i18n) framework to do so. Possibilities:

http://i18next.com/ https://github.com/l20n/l20n.js https://github.com/jquery-i18n-properties/jquery-i18n-properties

Acceptance Criteria Given I have a Vagrant VM set up and running the web interface, and I have a browser that sends the Accept-Language: es header When I view the dashboard at http://localhost:8000/ after logging in Then Every string on the page should be different from the English version of the string.

Out of scope Actually doing the translation is out of scope - feel free to fill in random strings for the Spanish (or other language) translation.