EFForg / OpenWireless

The official home of the EFF OpenWireless Project
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openwireless.org seems dead #305

Open Mikaela opened 8 years ago

Mikaela commented 8 years ago

There have been no updates to openwireless.org since it was released years ago. The latest commit to this repo was in April (at least to the default branch) and the most recent issues don't seem to be getting any kinds of comments from EFF.


pierrebeaucamp commented 8 years ago


Integration with Hyperboria would also be nice to have. Another project to look out would be Freifunk.

Mikaela commented 8 years ago

Twitter reminded me of existence of this issue and as a status update I have changed my networks to openwireless.org_nomap and openwireless.org_fast_nomap as I hope people generally follow the rule of sending only what they wish people to send from their networks and if they are interested, "openwireless" at any search engine brings openwireless.org.

Edit: it seems that I wrote that blog post on the same day as I opened this issue, but apparently situation didn't change.

Mikaela commented 7 years ago

The site is also broken at some parts, I clicked around and found myself from https://openwireless.org/index.html

Welcome to nginx on Debian!

If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working on Debian. Further configuration is required.

For online documentation and support please refer to nginx.org

Please use the reportbug tool to report bugs in the nginx package with Debian. However, check existing bug reports before reporting a new bug.

Thank you for using debian and nginx.

jsha commented 7 years ago

Hi! These are cool suggestions, and I agree it would be nice to have more updates on OpenWireless.org. Unfortunately, we haven't had much time to produce updates for the site, since we've been working on other projects.

Also a reminder, per the README in this repository, the OpenWireless router firmware project is not currently maintained (but we do still operate the OpenWireless.org site, and project, to encourage people to provide open wireless networks using the firmware that comes preinstalled on their router).

Mikaela commented 7 years ago

from https://github.com/EFForg/OpenWireless/issues/224#issuecomment-252974472 :

Thanks! I replied on #305. Can you tell me which page on openwireless.org led you to the firmware project? I'll make sure that page gets updated with details.

https://openwireless.org/important-information.html and click the "Open Wireless Movement banner". As that address is index.html, it's probably also linked from other pages and I think I clicked there some other method earlier.


Mikaela commented 5 years ago

Hi, are you aware of any communities around open WLANs or at least positive about them?

This may not be the best possible place to ask this, but I cannot think of anywhere else either.

The main thing I have been wondering is how much hardware resources does encryption cost as my router has a problem of forgetting it has IPv6 and requiring reboot every few hours except that with open network it can have IPv6 for days before I have to reboot it.

I think a lot has happened since 2014 and the need for Open Wireless Movement hasn't decreased.

jsha commented 5 years ago

Hi @Mikaela! I agree there's still a strong need for open wireless everywhere. I'm afraid I don't know of communities organizing around the subject, though! Maybe you could start such a community in your home town and grow it from there?

Thanks, Jacob