EFForg / privacybadger

Privacy Badger is a browser extension that automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
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Accessing website crashes Chrome with enabled Privacy Badger #2325

Closed roshavagarga closed 5 years ago

roshavagarga commented 5 years ago

What is your browser and browser version?

Chrome, 72.0.3626.121, x64

What is broken and where?

dumbingofage.com crashes Chrome with enabled PB.

What is the "culprit" domain?

I feel like you can figure this out, I'm at work so can't really do that.

What is your debug output for this domain?

To get the debug output, please see the instructions link above.

Paste debug output here.
mijiturka commented 5 years ago

I am unable to reproduce this with the same version of Chrome on Linux, using a new (untrained) copy of Privacy Badger 2019.2.19.

I've tried blocking every domain through the pop-up sliders and refreshing, didn't get a crash either.

Here's the list of initial decisions for this site. It may be helpful to find out what the difference in script blocking is between your Badger and one that doesn't crash (a new one which probably doesn't block something yours does)?

2.gravatar.com: "noaction"
a1.vdna-assets.com: "noaction"
ad.lkqd.net: "noaction"
adservice.google.co.uk: "allow"
adservice.google.com: "block"
as.casalemedia.com: "block"
bidder.criteo.com: "block"
cdn.exelator.com: "block"
cdn.syndication.twimg.com: "noaction"
cdn.thehiveworks.com: "noaction"
edge.quantserve.com: "block"
fastlane.rubiconproject.com: "block"
g2.gumgum.com: "block"
hb.vntsm.com: "noaction"
ib.adnxs.com: "block"
mc.yandex.ru: "cookieblock"
pbs.twimg.com: "noaction"
pixel.wp.com: "noaction"
platform.twitter.com: "cookieblock"
securepubads.g.doubleclick.net: "block"
static.criteo.net: "noaction"
stats.wordpress.com: "cookieblock"
syndication.twitter.com: "cookieblock"
ton.twimg.com: "noaction"
u.openx.net: "block"
uscdn.pixietrixcomix.com: "noaction"
vdna.exelator.com: "block"
venatusmedia-d.openx.net: "block"
vendorlist.consensu.org: "cookieblock"
www.facebook.com: "cookieblock"
www.google-analytics.com: "noaction"
www.googletagservices.com: "noaction"
www.thehiveworks.com: "noaction"

I got this list by following the instructions here https://github.com/EFForg/privacybadger/wiki/Find-out-why-Privacy-Badger-is-blocking-a-domain to open the debug console, and then, leaving dumbingofage.com as the only tab, typing:

> badger.tabData
5: {...}
> badger.tabData[5].origins
ablanathtanalba commented 5 years ago

I was unable to reproduce this with the same version of Chrome on a MacOS, with both a new untrained Badger and an older one with over 2000 blocked domains.

roshavagarga commented 5 years ago

How do I go about checking which domains are blocked? Literally every time I open the website Chrome just crashes into infinity. I am running several other things (uBlock Origin, decentraleyes, https everywhere, minerblock) so I'm wondering whether something weird is going on between all of them?

ablanathtanalba commented 5 years ago

It's worth experimenting different combinations of activated/on extensions running in tandem with your Privacy Badger. The issue may rest with some interaction between the different extensions, and finding that right combination will definitely give some more insight into what the problem may be.

mijiturka commented 5 years ago

I was able to get blocked domains with badger.tabData[x].origins even when Privacy Badger is disabled for a website. You can disable it through the options page and open the website only afterwards.

Chrome debug logs may give a better idea of what's going on too.

ghostwords commented 5 years ago

Is this a duplicate of #2249?

ghostwords commented 5 years ago

You can now always get a copy/paste-able list of domains if you click on the Share button in the popup. This is a bit hidden at the moment, sorry.

Screenshot from 2019-03-09 16:33:18

I'm guessing this is a Chrome extensions bug though and doesn't have anything to do with the domains on the page.

ghostwords commented 5 years ago

Resolving as duplicate of #2249.