EFForg / privacybadger

Privacy Badger is a browser extension that automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
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Breaks Quora embeds #2824

Open shreshth65968 opened 2 years ago

shreshth65968 commented 2 years ago


Google Chrome

Brower version:

96.0.4664.110 (Official Build) (64-bit)

A quora post (https://medium.com/@shreshthsharma689/why-dont-we-hit-the-sun-5ab8bb2a94e5) shared on www.medium.com is getting broken and when the culprit domain (www.quora.com) is set to yellow, the issue gets fixed.

Culprit Domain :


Debug output:

**** ACTION_MAP for quora.com
a.quora.com {
  "dnt": false,
  "heuristicAction": "",
  "nextUpdateTime": 1640281958505,
  "userAction": ""
log.quora.com {
  "dnt": false,
  "heuristicAction": "",
  "nextUpdateTime": 1640535989962,
  "userAction": ""
q.quora.com {
  "dnt": false,
  "heuristicAction": "",
  "nextUpdateTime": 1640078801134,
  "userAction": ""
quora.com {
  "dnt": false,
  "heuristicAction": "block",
  "nextUpdateTime": 0,
  "userAction": ""
www.quora.com {
  "dnt": false,
  "heuristicAction": "",
  "nextUpdateTime": 1640474712318,
  "userAction": "user_block"
**** SNITCH_MAP for quora.com
quora.com [
shreshth65968 commented 2 years ago

sorry I have been opening and closing this issue, again and again, its because I am a very new Github user, so sorry if it caused any inconvenience

ghostwords commented 2 years ago

Hello and thanks for the report!

shreshth65968 commented 2 years ago

hey ! does EFF participate in GSOC (Google Summer of Code) ??

ghostwords commented 2 years ago

hey ! does EFF participate in GSOC (Google Summer of Code) ??

Not at this time, as far as I know.