EFForg / privacybadger

Privacy Badger is a browser extension that automatically learns to block invisible trackers.
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Privacy Badger can break other extensions in Chrome and Edge #2968

Open ylluminate opened 1 month ago

ylluminate commented 1 month ago

What is your browser and browser version?

What is broken and where?

ghostwords commented 1 month ago

Hello and thanks for opening an issue! This may be a problem with extensions that block google.com using Declarative Net Request. I'll reply in the other thread too.

ghostwords commented 1 month ago

Relatedly, I added a Pinterest domain to the yellowlist (0972e2d3f27cc8ccba190fd257e53617b978f3e7) to unbreak the Pinterest extension earlier today. So it looks like the Manifest V3 DNR version of Privacy Badger for Chrome can now block (and modify) requests issued by other extensions, whereas I think it couldn't before as a Manifest V2 blockingWebRequest extension.

ghostwords commented 1 month ago

Having trouble finding the issue that documents DNR having greater scope than webRequest. I did find https://issues.chromium.org/issues/40277172, which seems like a specific example of extensions interfering with one another or even the browser itself through DNR.

NeverDecaf commented 1 month ago

I'll add a bit more context in case it helps:

I'm not sure if this is helpful but I personally use uMatrix which typically would block every third party request on all pages but it has an option to modify settings on chrome-extension-scheme and chrome-scheme pages, which I use to allow requests from extensions (I believe uMatrix is disabled on these "domains" by default). Of course, uMatrix is not updated for MV3 (or at all) but perhaps a similar feature would help in this case, if it is even possible with DNR.

Edit: It just occurred to me that the entire point of Privacy Badger is to block third-party trackers so half these bullets are redundant, sorry about that.

ghostwords commented 1 month ago

Hello! As a workaround, I'll add clients2.google.com to Privacy Badger's yellowlist tomorrow. Once that's done, Privacy Badger will let requests to clients2.google.com through but without access to cookies.

kzar commented 3 weeks ago

This is an issue with the declarativeNetRequest API at the moment. The Chromium issue is private, but FWIW it's this one: https://issues.chromium.org/issues/40896400. The workaround we went with in the DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials extension was to not block requests that aren't associated with a tab, to do this we add an allowing session rule that matches tabId -1. See https://github.com/duckduckgo/duckduckgo-privacy-extension/blob/fe067dbf43942752088369963b30de0a530a8b6f/shared/js/background/dnr-service-worker-initiated.js. Hopefully the underlying issue will be resolved soon, I know it's on the extension team's radar.

pixkk commented 2 weeks ago

Same problem with extension https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/chathub-gpt-4-gemini-clau/iaakpnchhognanibcahlpcplchdfmgma - Privacy Badger block request to domains gemini.google.com and copilot.microsoft.com and says, that "There is nothing to do on this page. Privacy Badger doesn't work on pages like this one. Try viewing other pages."

Whitelist not working on extensions page. I need only disable Privacy Badger fully.

Chrome 126.0.6478.62

ghostwords commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @pixkk for the report! I just added these two domains to the workaround list. You should get the latest list automatically within the next 24 hours. To force an update in Chrome, visit chrome://extensions, enable "Developer mode", click the "service worker" link in Privacy Badger's listing, select the Console tab, and submit badger.updateYellowlist() into the console. Thanks again!

ghostwords commented 1 week ago

Looks we break logging into Line:

pixkk commented 1 week ago


Thank you! Problem resolved partially. Without Privacy Badger - "Request is trottled" (IT'S OKAY). With him - websocket closed with reason 1006 (wss://sydney.bing.com/) image


WaqasIbrahim commented 1 week ago

Hello, I am having same issue with a soundcloud downloader extension. Requests to these urls are getting blocked:

kzar commented 1 week ago

@ghostwords I worked with some of the Google folks and got a fix for the underlying Chromium issue merged last night. Assuming that sticks, I hope it will be included with Chrome 128 - will keep you posted.