EFForg / privacybadgerfirefox-legacy

LEGACY Privacy Badger for Firefox SEE README
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Incompatible w/ Seamonkey (was: Mark as installable in Seamonkey) #126

Open pde opened 10 years ago

pde commented 10 years ago

Not sure if there are any gotchas for this due to Jetpack

diracdeltas commented 10 years ago

Have you tested that it actually doesn't install on seamonkey?

diracdeltas commented 10 years ago

At least some of the Jetpack APIs that we use appear to be incompatible with Seamonkey. Upon marking as installable in Seamonkey and installing, I get the error:

console.error: privacybadgerfirefox: 
  Message: Error: Unsupported Application: The module sdk/tabs/tabs currently supports only Fir
efox, Fennec.

Given that it would take a lot of effort to switch from using Jetpack APIs to direct XPCOM for Seamonkey, I'm marking this wontfix for now,

logological commented 10 years ago

Upstream bug: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1023661

logological commented 9 years ago

The upstream bug has now been fixed; Firefox's Add-on SDK is now compatible with SeaMonkey. Can this enhancement request be reopened?

cooperq commented 9 years ago

I have reopened it and will test privacy badger on seamonkey

cooperq commented 9 years ago

@mylittleplaceholder is also interested in this.

Woi commented 9 years ago

Please add my vote, too.

rodneyrod commented 8 years ago

I'd be interested in testing any plugins as they come out.

zoff99 commented 8 years ago

+1 please at least mark it compatible that seamonkey users can install and test it. does not really make any sense to NOT mark it compatible

cooperq commented 8 years ago

If someone wants to submit a patch marking this as compatible with seamonkey I will happily merge it.

zoff99 commented 8 years ago

just add these lines to install.rdf

    <!-- SeaMonkey -->
zoff99 commented 8 years ago

at this position just under the firefox part


zoff99 commented 8 years ago

any news on this?

teicher commented 8 years ago

Well, according to Add-Ons directory, it should be compatible, but when I download and run the xpi, it just sais "...could not be installed because it is incompatibe with Seamonkey 2.39". Since Ghostery dropped Seamonkey Support lately, Seamonkey users desperately need some working privacy tool for current versions...

zoff99 commented 8 years ago

please just add those lines to install.rdf

cooperq commented 8 years ago

I did! and I marked the version in AMO as compatible with seamonkey... can you try downloading the sefl hosted version from https://eff.org/privacybadger can you also unpack the version from AMO and tell me whats in the install.rdf

zoff99 commented 8 years ago

does NOT work. i downloaded from this link now: https://www.eff.org/files/privacy-badger-latest.xpi

and install.rdf does not contain the lines


install.rdf from that xpi is attached

zoff99 commented 8 years ago

what is AMO??

cooperq commented 8 years ago

AMO is addons.mozilla.org, privacy badger can be downloaded here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/privacy-badger-firefox/

I will have to look into why the self hosted version didn't get the changes that I made.

zoff99 commented 8 years ago

AMO also does NOT work. install.rdf does not contain seamonkey entry!

cooperq commented 8 years ago

Weird, I makred it as compatible with seamonkey on AMO. I will look into this further.

cooperq commented 8 years ago

Here is the listing on AMO, which says it's compatible with seamonkey. I don't really know what else I can do. pb-seamonkey

zoff99 commented 8 years ago

you need to make sure that entry is really inside the install.rdf file inside the xpi file you MUST put that entry there yourself. only marking it does not do anything

antdude commented 8 years ago

FYI. It is still not installable in v2.40. :(

zoff99 commented 8 years ago

does PB have a menu item or a config screen? when i manually make it compatible with seamonkey, i can not see if it's working or not. there is no icons, no menu, no indication ..

cooperq commented 8 years ago

Yes there should be a badger icon that you can click on to see a list of all the trackers being blocked.

zoff99 commented 8 years ago

on seamonkey they icon is not there. can you add an item to a normal menu somewhere?

cooperq commented 8 years ago

If someone wants to submit a pull request adding an item to a normal menu they are welcome to. I don't personally have time to work on it.