EFLS / zetteldeft

A Zettelkasten system! Or rather, some functions on top of the emacs deft package.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Org-capture via org-protocol to create notes directly from the browser #130

Open iburunat opened 2 years ago

iburunat commented 2 years ago

I'm getting greedy with Zetteldeft, so here my question: has anybody managed to set up an org-capture template that would allow to create a Zetteldeft note via org-protocol from the browser (e.g., Chrome)?

The idea would be to create a zetteldeft note that would take as title the website page's title and as content the selected text. Additionally, including the link as source of the text would be a plus. There is a way to do this via org-protocol bookmarklet, but I haven't figured out the org-capture template needed for this. So if somebody has already and wants to share it, would be very useful!

EFLS commented 2 years ago

I haven't used org-protocol and know little to nothing about it. But discussion is obviously more than welcome!

There's not really a capture template system for Zetteldeft. But there is zetteldeft-extract-region-to-note and I use a custom function to turn an Org subheading into a new note. I've included it in the zd-tutorial just now: https://github.com/EFLS/zd-tutorial/blob/master/2021-04-03-2209%20Turn%20org%20subheading%20into%20a%20new%20note.org

iburunat commented 2 years ago

Thanks, that's a very handy function right there to do exactly what I meant from within the orgmode domain. I'll keep this updated when I find a way to implement an org-protocol template.