A SWAT: Elite Force based mod, inspired in SWAT 3
GNU General Public License v2.0
11 stars 5 forks source link

BTLA v.1.5 Fan Change #1: A new scoring system that removes the broken ROE (Rules OF Engagement) mechanic. Leadership.ini #21

Open ghost opened 2 years ago

ghost commented 2 years ago


NOTE#1: All of these .ini files are intended for v.1.5 ONLY, if you choose to use them for later versions, they MIGHT work, BUT, they also MIGHT BREAK THE MOD 100%. Using backups for this mod is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.

NOTE#2: ALL of these .ini files will work in SINGLEPLAYER (SP). HOWEVER, for MULTIPLAYER (MP), all players (including the server) need to have the same .ini file equipped. If this is not done, you can't play MP with anyone else.


To use this, take this .ini file and paste it over the System Directory.

What is shown below should be the ideal location to replace the .ini file.

Your drive (C:,D:,E:, etc.)/SWAT 4/SEF-BTLA/System


This .ini file is a complete rework of EFdee's original scoring system that using the ROE mechanic.

Sadly, due to the aging components of this game, the Rules Of Engagement is widely one of the most complained problems in the game, as the system behind it inconsistently checks which shots are acceptable or not, leading to mass frustration to all players involved.

This new scoring system I have in mind gets rid of that entirely and replaces it with a strict yet consistent grading that should fix the problem above.

All bonuses have been either removed and/or set to 0.

The new system only focuses on arresting, incapacitating, and killing suspects, all being done at 100% maximum.

The good news about this system is that this new system I created scores based upon the number of suspects in the map, meaning maps with less suspects will be graded more strongly than maps with 99+ suspects.

Lastly, ALMOST all penalties have been removed from the game.

This rework was made because of the wide complaints given to the ROE mechanic.

Unfortunately, nothing other than a complete coding redesign will fix the ROE issue entirely, and that might not be entirely possible considering the age of this game.

While I understand that removing the ROE mechanic would anger a certain part of BTLA (as would any form of change will do), BTLA has become so different from vanilla SWAT 4 (and SEF) that by this point, having a new grading system doesn't seem that radical as it normally sounds.

As it stands right now however, the current scoring system made by EFdee actually works great...in STOCK MAPS.



The majority of the bonuses have either been removed/set to 0 to two main reasons.

The Mission Completed Bonus has been set to 0. It makes sense because you shouldn't just get a bonus simply because you completed a mission. (That's like getting a daily promotion in your job after each shift is done, that's literally not how things work.)

The "No officers down" and "Player uninjured" were removed because they slow down gameplay significantly along with encouraging contradictory behavior that conflicts with using teamwork in your missions. -The "No officers down" bonus effectively forces you in Singleplayer (SP) to not use your AI teammates at all in order to receive the best score possible. -This is the case because SWAT 4's AI is so bad at times, any time you bring your AI teammates along, there is a random chance they will all die to one suspect. -In Multiplayer (MP), however, this encourages players to go in one person at a time solo, as having multiple SWAT teammates together brings the risk of them being injured and losing the bonus altogether. -The "Player uninjured" bonus discourages you from wearing armor, as what is the point in wearing armor if getting shot lowers the amount of total points you can receive in a mission?

The "Report status to TOC" and "All evidence secured" bonuses were removed because they end up forcing the player to individually recheck each suspect and gun in order to receive the best score possible, something that becomes an annoying function in bigger maps with huge amounts of suspects.


The "Failed to report a downed (Insert person here)", "Injured Officer", "Unauthorized Deadly Force", and "Unauthorized Force" penalties are removed due to the new grading system not needing them at all.

The "Tased Officer" penalty was removed to give the Taser (a powerful less-lethal weapon that has been nerfed significantly from vanilla SWAT 4 to SEF, ranging from lower firing range, to the ability to incap people on accident, etc.) more usability in combat.

The "Suspect Escaped" and "Triggered Trap" penalties were removed because there was no reason for them to be in the game (even though they had a penalty of 0, meaning that they were not even considered as a penalty in game).

The "Incapacitated Hostage" penalty was removed to make custom maps easier with huge amounts of hostages, meaning you no longer to restart a map the second you accidentally incapacitate a hostage.

Of course, this is EFdee's mod in the end of the day, if he chooses to implement this new grading system into the official game, he is free to add any bonuses/penalties back in as he chooses.

Feel free to comment if this idea should be an official part of BTLA!

If you don't like this change, also say so!

Any and all input here will be greatly appreciated!

ghost commented 2 years ago



ghost commented 2 years ago

Mod DB LINK: https://www.moddb.com/games/swat-4-the-stetchkov-syndicate/downloads/btla-v15-fan-change-1-a-new-scoring-system-that-removes-the-broken-roe-rule

ghost commented 2 years ago



ghost commented 2 years ago



ghost commented 2 years ago


[SwatGame.Procedures] ;Bonuses ProcedureClass=class'SwatProcedures.Procedure_CompleteMission' ProcedureClass=class'SwatProcedures.Procedure_ArrestUnIncapacitatedSuspects' ProcedureClass=class'SwatProcedures.Procedure_ArrestIncapacitatedSuspects' ProcedureClass=class'SwatProcedures.Procedure_KillSuspects' ;Penalties ProcedureClass=class'SwatProcedures.Procedure_NoHostageKilled' ProcedureClass=class'SwatProcedures.Procedure_NoOfficerIncapacitated'


; ; Bonuses ;

[SwatProcedures.Procedure_CompleteMission] ;Localized TMC TODO move to .int when localization works Description=Mission completed Bonus=0 IsABonus=True

[SwatProcedures.Procedure_ArrestUnIncapacitatedSuspects] ;Localized TMC TODO move to .int when localization works Description=Suspects arrested TotalBonus=100 ;the fraction of the per-enemy bonus received when an UNincapacitated enemy is arrested PerEnemyBonusFraction=1.0 IsABonus=True IsNeverHidden=True

[SwatProcedures.Procedure_ArrestIncapacitatedSuspects] ;Localized TMC TODO move to .int when localization works Description=Suspects incapacitated TotalBonus=100 ;the fraction of the per-enemy bonus received when an incapacitated enemy is arrested PerEnemyBonusFraction=0.48 IsABonus=True IsNeverHidden=True

[SwatProcedures.Procedure_KillSuspects] ;Localized TMC TODO move to .int when localization works Description=Suspects neutralized TotalBonus=100 ;the fraction of the per-enemy bonus received when an enemy is killed PerEnemyBonusFraction=0.36 IsABonus=True IsNeverHidden=True

; ; Penalties ;

[SwatProcedures.Procedure_NoHostageKilled] ;Localized TMC TODO move to .int when localization works Description=Killed a hostage ChatMessage=Penalty: [c=ff0000]Killed Hostage (-100)[\c] PenaltyPerHostage=-100

[SwatProcedures.Procedure_NoOfficerIncapacitated] ;Localized TMC TODO move to .int when localization works Description=Incapacitated a fellow officer ChatMessage=Penalty: [c=ff8000]Incapacitated Officer (-50)[\c] PenaltyPerOfficer=-50