EFeru / hoverboard-sideboard-hack-GD

Hoverboard sideboard hack for GD32 boards
GNU General Public License v3.0
111 stars 82 forks source link

Theremin device. #27

Open AlexJenjer opened 1 year ago

AlexJenjer commented 1 year ago

Used hoverboard-firmware-hack-FOC. In complete delight. Thanks to the author. I wanted to have fun with the side boards of the hoverboard. Create a theremin device. When the board is tilted, it emits a sound of varying frequency. Instead of LED1, I connected a speaker. Using the STM32 ST-LINK Utility program, change Option Bytes Protection - Disabled, apply, then check the box WDG_SW, apply. The programmer gives errors, but changes the settings. Download the program from ARM Keil v5.37 Create project, change compiler options c90 to gnu90 , No Warning Debug Use options: ST-Link Debugger

file config.h


file systick.c
// if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 1000)){ if (SysTick_Config(SystemCoreClock / 200000)){

file mpu6050.c // delay_ms(100); delay_ms(20000);

file gd32f1x0_it.c void SysTick_Handler(void) { tick_count_increment(); delay_decrement(); sound(); }

file util.c extern MPU_Data mpu; volatile int32_t x,x1; void sound2(void) { mpu_get_data(); x= mpu.euler.pitch >>2; if (x>1000) x=1000; } void sound(void) { x1--; if (x1<1) {x1=x; toggle_led(LED1_GPIO_Port, LED1_Pin);} }

file main.c while(1) { delay_1ms(100); sound2();

// delay_1ms(DELAY_IN_MAIN_LOOP);

// handle_mpu6050(); // handle_sensors(); // handle_usart(); // handle_leds(); // main_loop_counter++;

Alternatively, you can compile with gcc-arm-none-eabi, then rename the output file from proj.elf to proj.axf and substitute in ARM Keil. And from it to load into the controller.