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Look at automating management of IGTF CAs and CRLs bundle #183

Open gwarf opened 3 years ago

gwarf commented 3 years ago

Currently CAs and CRLs bundles have to be managed manually for HAproxy (cf. and Ideally it should be automated using fetch-crl and yum hooks.

Automatic managing of CRLs bundle

Proposed solution by @dlgroep.

CRLs bundle should be updated after each fetch-crl passes. The postexec hook could be use with a script using cat and reloading HAproxy:

 cat "$5"/*.r0 > "$5"/igtf-crls-bundle.pem
 systemctl reload haproxy.service

Automatic managing of CAs bundle

Possible solutions

Moved from

brucellino commented 9 months ago

This can be solved elegantly with a Vault agent or consul-template. I know I'm doing some archaeology here, but since this is event-driven, I would imagine the trigger is also an event.