Closed EGI-ILM closed 2 years ago
Actually, I have done a reboot and I realised that maybe my suggested change is not what it was intended in the documentation, but then perhaps this bit can be removed:
mkdir /storage1
And leave only:
$ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/vdb storage1
$ mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/storage1 /storage1
Actually, I have done a reboot and I realised that maybe my suggested change is not what it was intended in the documentation, but then perhaps this bit can be removed:
mkdir /storage1
And leave only:
$ cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/vdb storage1 $ mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/storage1 /storage1
ok but if you don't have the /storage1 folder created already the mount command will fail no?
Apparently the filesystem is already created in step 2:, so I don't think mkfs
should be used here.
I agree that the mkdir
may be useless as it got done in step 3, unless those commands are to be run from a different VM mounting the already encrypted and formatted disk. Maybe exact use case could be clarified, or mkdir -p
could be used, as it wouldn't complain if the folder already exist.
@andrea-manzi Yes, it will fail, but these steps are assuming that mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/storage1
has been already done too, so it is reasonable to assume that other "permanent" operations, such as mkdir /storage1
have been done too. That is why I got confused, I initially thought that these were the steps for a "permanent" use, so it should include only permanent steps (and one was missing). On my reboot, I realised that these were the "routine" steps, so then the creation of the folder made no sense (unless used in a different VM, as pointed by @gwarf ) and then probably one is not needed.
Anyway, it is a minor detail. I found this documentation very clear and straightforward, very nicely written.
Is there a way to automate the mounting at each reboot? Because that could be a nice addition to the documentation.
For the automatic mounting, one could use /etc/crypttab
and /etc/fstab
, but the main problem is probably the unlock of the encrypted FS, and the need to provide the passphrase.
With luks you can use a key file to unlock a partition and have the key optionally without a passphrase, but it's also making this way less secure/useful, not that recommended if the data really needs to be protected...
aaah ok got it now, you are referring to the last part of the doc. Yes there we could remove the mkdir or add the -p option as reported by @gwarf
I have made a change based on the comments here. I also changed the word "following" to be more explicit, as it confused me.
@andrea-manzi can you please check/approve this one?
I think there is a step missing. Otherwise there will be a filesystem error:
mount: /storage1: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/storage1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.