EGI-Federation / documentation

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Add latest EGI Webinars #652

Closed sebastian-luna-valero closed 2 months ago

sebastian-luna-valero commented 2 months ago


Related issue :

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

@check-spelling-bot Report

:red_circle: Please review

See the :open_file_folder: files view, the :scroll:action log, or :memo: job summary for details.

Unrecognized words (11) ``` admins allowfullscreen autoplay edu hostnames iframe jscpd runtimes screenshot sysadmin utilisation ```
To accept these unrecognized words as correct, you could run the following commands ... in a clone of the []( repository on the `replay` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?]( ``` sh curl -s -S -L '' | perl - '' ```


To have the bot accept them for you, reply quoting the following line: @check-spelling-bot apply updates.

Available :books: dictionaries could cover words (expected and unrecognized) not in the :blue_book: dictionary This includes both **expected items** (11) from .github/actions/spelling/expect.txt and **unrecognized words** (11) Dictionary | Entries | Covers | Uniquely -|-|-|- [cspell:aws/aws.txt](|218|2|2| [cspell:typescript/dict/typescript.txt](|1098|2|1| [cspell:html/dict/html.txt](|2060|2|| [cspell:django/dict/django.txt](|393|1|1| [cspell:k8s/dict/k8s.txt](|153|1|| Consider adding them (in `.github/workflows/spelling.yml`) for `uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@main` in its `with`: ``` yml with: extra_dictionaries: cspell:aws/aws.txt cspell:typescript/dict/typescript.txt cspell:html/dict/html.txt cspell:django/dict/django.txt cspell:k8s/dict/k8s.txt ``` To stop checking additional dictionaries, add (in `.github/workflows/spelling.yml`) for `uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@main` in its `with`: ``` yml check_extra_dictionaries: '' ```