EGN-Project / lisp-endpoint-agent

🔐 Blockchain-based endpoint agent, written in Common Lisp.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Research and select a suitable blockchain platform. #2

Open ColtonRohan opened 8 months ago

ColtonRohan commented 8 months ago

After speaking with the sponsor he confirmed that we will be using a private blockchain network

Bebo561 commented 5 months ago

A suitable blockchain platform for developing a private blockchain would by Hyperledger Fabric, which is an open source enterprise solution for developing blockchains created by the Linux Foundation. As it is open source, there is no cost for using any of the software, and there is free detailed documentation that I will link at the bottom of this comment. One issue that is not specific to Hyperledger Fabric as it is found within all major blockchain platforms is that there is not an API SDK for CLisp. Therefore, we would have to develop a Lisp wrapper around a supported language in order to make API calls that can interact with our network. The available languages for the initial code that the wrapper will be created around will be Javascript, Java, Golang, Python, and Typescript. Documentation Link -