EHWUSF / HS68_2018_Project_1

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Regressioncheck Class for Testing/Checking Linear Regression assumptions and Evaluating the Model #12 #31

Open rohitchadaram opened 5 years ago

rohitchadaram commented 5 years ago

Created a class Regcheck with Data viz modules and also calculated a new metric as mentioned in the issue #12 .

EHWUSF commented 5 years ago

Hi, this is currently placed as a top level standalone module rather than as a module within the hs628_tools package. Here is a set of command line instructions to rectify that. I assume that you have added the upstream remote and have an upstream-master branch that tracks upstream/master

now we'll fix up your feature branch:

Since we haven't made any other changes to the file in this commit other than moving it, git will figure out that this represents a file move rather than just deleting one file and adding a different one.

the following line is now edited to include the --force option

rohitchadaram commented 5 years ago

Thanks for an elaborate fix Eric, I had an error at the last piece. $git rm $ git add hs628_tools/ $ git commit -m "Moved module into hs628_tools package" and when i do the $ git push I had an error as my current branch was behind its remote branch so I just did a git pull and then did a git push which worked.

I hope it should be fixed let me know in case there is something missing from my end.

EHWUSF commented 5 years ago

Ah, sorry, I should have forseen that-- that push needed to be a $ git push --force The route you took winds up with an extra merge commit of your old material back into your branch, which you then had to delete with that extra commit after that; in this particular case that is not a terrible bit of messiness, but in other cases could be much worse and in any event is best avoided.

To clean up from here, we'll just reset back to prior to that merge and deletion and then do the force push:

$ git reset --hard b671210
$ git push --force
rohitchadaram commented 5 years ago

No Problem, I have done it. Hopefully it should all be set now then.