EIDA / userfeedback

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[Service] Data quality, availability and PPSD for stations in network UP no accesible #141

Open paitor opened 1 year ago

paitor commented 1 year ago

On none of the pages: http://www.orfeus-eu.org/data/eida/quality/metrics/ http://www.orfeus-eu.org/data/eida/quality/availability/ http://www.orfeus-eu.org/data/odc/quality/ppsd/

data is not available for any of the stations in the UP network. For the first two pages a query results in the message "The WFCatalog returned an error." but no further explanation what the error is. E.g. dqi

For the last link a query results in a blue bar. ppsd

I also note that when typing in the network code UP, the dropdown list beneath the input field with suggested networks shows two instances of network UP. Similarly dropdown list beneath the station input field shows two instances of identical station codes for some stations, e.g. FALU, GNOU.

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