EIDA / userfeedback

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[Metadata] 6A2019 problem with station starttime #144

Open jschaeff opened 1 year ago

jschaeff commented 1 year ago


I found problems in starttime of stations HYP02, HYP03 and HYP04 :

<FDSNStationXML xmlns="http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/1" schemaVersion="1.1">
  <Network xmlns="http://www.fdsn.org/xml/station/1" code="6A" startDate="2019-05-14T06:00:00" endDate="2019-05-14T22:00:00" restrictedStatus="open">
    <Description>Acoustic Ground Coupling Experiment, University of Vienna</Description>
    <Station code="HYP02" startDate="1980-01-01T00:00:00">
        <Name>Hyperion IFS-5111 infrasound sensor, seismically decoupled + Reftek 130-01 datalogger</Name>