EIDA / userfeedback

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[Service] FDSN server eida-sc3.infp.ro goes down. #150

Closed web-sys1 closed 6 months ago

web-sys1 commented 9 months ago

I'm trying to fetch data from NIEP server (eida-sc3.infp.ro), but server is unreachable.

To Reproduce

https://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/dataselect/1/ https://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/station/1/ https://eida-sc3.infp.ro/eidaws/routing/1/ https://eida-sc3.infp.ro/eidaws/wfcatalog/1/ https://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/availability/1/

Screenshots C012 - ORFEUS - EIDA Webservices - www orfeus-eu org


Additional context

eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/dataselect/1/version:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/station/1/version:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT eida-sc3.infp.ro/eidaws/wfcatalog/1/version:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT eida-sc3.infp.ro/eidaws/routing/1/version:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/availability/1/version:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

web-sys1 commented 9 months ago

I was unable to fetch data archive using Python code through Obspy.

Installed new opener with handlers: [<obspy.clients.fdsn.client.CustomRedirectHandler object at 0x000001BB23728040>]
Base URL: http://eida-sc3.infp.ro
Request Headers: {'User-Agent': 'ObsPy/1.4.0 (Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0, Python 3.10.12)'}
Downloading http://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/dataselect/1/application.wadl with requesting gzip compression
Downloading http://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/event/1/application.wadl with requesting gzip compression
Downloading http://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/station/1/application.wadl with requesting gzip compression
Downloading http://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/event/1/catalogs with requesting gzip compression
Downloading http://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/event/1/contributors with requesting gzip compression
Error while downloading: http://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/dataselect/1/application.wadl
Error while downloading: http://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/station/1/application.wadl
Error while downloading: http://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/event/1/contributors
Error while downloading: http://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/event/1/catalogs
Error while downloading: http://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/event/1/application.wadl
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\Users\...\Desktop\fetchfdsn.py", line 11, in <module>
    client = Client("NIEP", debug=True)
  File "D:\anaconda3\...\lib\site-packages\obspy\clients\fdsn\client.py", line 277, in __init__
  File "D:\anaconda3\...\lib\site-packages\obspy\clients\fdsn\client.py", line 1638, in _discover_services
    raise FDSNNoServiceException(msg)
obspy.clients.fdsn.header.FDSNNoServiceException: No FDSN services could be discovered at 'http://eida-sc3.infp.ro'. This could be due to a temporary service outage or an invalid FDSN service address.

My code:

from obspy.clients.fdsn import RoutingClient
from obspy.signal.util import *
from obspy import UTCDateTime
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client                                                                                                                                          

t1 = UTCDateTime.now()
start = t1 - 60*60
end = start + 60*60

client = Client("NIEP", debug=True)  
st = client .get_waveforms(
        starttime=start - 60,
        endtime=end + 60,

web-sys1 commented 9 months ago

Not even eida-federator could fetch data archive.

Error 404: 

Usage details are available from http://www.fdsn.org/webservices/


Request Submitted:

Service version:
jschaeff commented 9 months ago

NIEP is down for a maintenance on disks that lasts longer than expected.


web-sys1 commented 9 months ago

@jschaeff @javiquinte while NIEP FDSNWS services are experiecing some issues, the Centre doesn't have seedlink server or it may be no longer active: venus.infp.ro:18000

jschaeff commented 9 months ago

Yes, this makes sense as it is powered by the same systems.

web-sys1 commented 9 months ago

Possibly maintenance could last over a week or more.

javiquinte commented 8 months ago

NIEP seems to be online again, but only the FDSN web services. To be checked!

luvec commented 8 months ago

Strangely, I cannot find network Y8 by FDSN web services now.

javiquinte commented 8 months ago

Hi @luvec ! It seems that Y8 is not even in the Station-WS of NIEP, so it is impossible that we can find it in EIDA.



BS|Bulgarian Seismic Network|1980-01-01T00:00:00||17 MD|Moldova Network|1980-01-01T00:00:00||3 RO|Romanian Seismic Network|1980-01-01T00:00:00||148 UD|UD network|1980-01-01T00:00:00||6

I'll open a new issue, as the problem is different from the one described here.

cristianneagoe commented 8 months ago

Hi all,

I am on the field installing the last stations from Adria. I will check the issue tomorrow morning when I will be back.

Best regards,


web-sys1 commented 7 months ago

Hi there,

Sorry I haven't been able to comment for a while. I would like to thank those who participated in solving the problem with connecting to the EIDA node of NIEP. Thanks @cristianneagoe for work done.

web-sys1 commented 7 months ago

Hello @cristianneagoe @javiquinte @jschaeff

What is not working now on the FDSN node of NIEP are: EIDAWS-WFCatalog, EIDAWS-Routing, FDSNWS-Availability.

SC046 - ORFEUS - EIDA Webservices_20231211_T092240 orfeus-eu org SC047 - eidaws_wfcatalog_ 20231211_0931 eida-sc3 infp ro SC048 - fdsnws_availability_20231211_0933T-eida-sc3 infp ro

I'm really worried about what happened to them since their FDSN server was down for a month.

web-sys1 commented 7 months ago

Of 5 days ago I opened the issue of what is not working well on eida.infp.ro (WebDC). See issue #155

cristianneagoe commented 7 months ago


We are now working to resolve the rest of the problems. If everything will go as expected everything will be online in maximum 2 weeks. I will keep you up to date. Sorry about the inconvenience.


web-sys1 commented 7 months ago

@cristianneagoe I hope it's solved with Seedlink as well.

javiquinte commented 7 months ago

Hi @web-sys1 . (Sorry to use your alias, but we don't know your real name) Thanks for the feedback regarding problems with some EIDA services. We will be working to solve it ASAP.

web-sys1 commented 6 months ago

Hello everyone.

Now it seems that NIEP servers were shut down. It says: No route to host.

Link: https://check-host.net/check-report/1403055ek494 Screenshot_20231220_150855_Chrome

web-sys1 commented 6 months ago

Also EIDA node server down, not responding.

Link report: see here

javiquinte commented 6 months ago

AFAICS the node is up, with the same status as last week (same services working, and same issues on some services).

@cristianneagoe Any updates?

cristianneagoe commented 6 months ago

Dear all, There where some unexpected issues with regional internet network (not locally at INFP). Now the node is up. Now wfcatalog is scanning, as soon he will finish the first part we will put it online. The next issues are next.

web-sys1 commented 6 months ago

Hello again.

More than two weeks have passed since his last message, @cristianneagoe promised that if everything will go according to expectations, everything will be online in a maximum of 2 weeks. The rest of the services, EIDAWS and fdsnws-availability, unlike FDSNWS (fdsnws-dataselect and fdsnws-station) which returned, remain unavailable/inaccessible. Last week, the NIEP operator reported that wfcatalog is scanning, as soon as the first part is finished, we will put it online.

web-sys1 commented 6 months ago

@cristianneagoe WFCatalog is back online, so late. It seems that there are problems with the data delivery service, the waveform cannot be collected on the BS, MD, or RO networks.

https://eida-sc3.infp.ro/fdsnws/dataselect/1/query?starttime=2024-01-05T00%3A00%3A00&station=*&channel=BH%3F,HH%3F&nodata=404 (Broken pipe, see results)

cristianneagoe commented 6 months ago

Hi @web-sys1, (It would be nice if I could address you by your real name)

Thank you for pointing out this problem. Now Is resolved and FDSN is working. Regarding WFcatalog, yes I know it was a little late, but unfortunately, there where some problems that were not expected. Best wishes in the New Year!!!