EIDA / userfeedback

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[Routing] Error when calling globalconfig #159

Closed javiquinte closed 3 months ago

javiquinte commented 4 months ago

The following URL gives an error for different users including FDSN Data Centre Registry.


FDSN reports:

This produced the following error: Failed to retrieve the registry: 502 Server Error: Proxy Error for url: http://www.orfeus-eu.org/eidaws/routing/1/globalconfig?format=fdsn

From a browser:

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request GET /eidaws/routing/1/globalconfig. Reason: Error reading from remote server

jbienkowski commented 4 months ago


Just for reference - discussion related to this issue continues in: https://forum.orfeus-eu.org/t/odc-routing-service-update-on-january-15th-2024/804/8

Cheers, Jarek