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[Metadata] List of station metadata issues #167

Open luvec opened 3 months ago

luvec commented 3 months ago

Dear network and station operators,

I present the results from detailed tests of formal consistency of the StationXML files, see https://github.com/PetrColinSky/DataQuality/tree/master/ludekvecsey for description and result tables. The tests are a part of data and metadata quality tests prepared by participants of the AdriaArray Seismology group jointly with the ORFEUS User Advisory Group, see the summary of tests and the first issue opened by @PetrColinSky.

The metadata tests include validating the FDSN StationXML format, a set of controls from IRIS StationXML Validator and other tests, including checking station response, corner periods, band codes. The metadata files for this test were downloaded from EIDA on June 7, 2024 (thus some issues can already be fixed).

The station/network operators can find the maximum severity level on each station in the report file QC_AdA_severity_levels_240607.csv. The report consists of three columns: station; max severity in 2022+ epoch; max severity over all epochs. Severity levels are -1 (the station was checked and everything was ok), 0 (not important, notification about input or output units given in the wrong upper/lower case), 1 (other not important notifications), 2-3 (warnings), and 4-5 (errors). The detailed report of all issues of levels 1-5 is found in QC_AdA_metadata_issues.xlsx, see the sheet named 240607. If you would like more descriptions and remarks, please take a look at the Legend sheet.

The following part shows only the worst issues (levels 4-5). Go to QC_AdA_metadata_issues.xlsx for a complete list of issues. A header for columns shown bellow is: STATION;VALID_FROM;VALID_TO;ISSUE_ID;ISSUE_SEVERITY_LVL;ISSUE_DESCRIPTION;COMMENTS

NormalizationFrequency' is missing. ObsPy cannot read the meta:

VR.VRG01..HH[123];2019-04-01;;2.01;5;metadata - missing attribute;/FDSNStationXML/Network/Station/Channel[123]/Response/Stage[3]/PolesZeros ->  Unexpected child with tag 'fsx:Pole' at position 5. Tag 'fsx:NormalizationFrequency' expected. ObsPy cannot read the meta.
VR.VRG02..HH[123];2019-04-01;;2.01;5;metadata - missing attribute;/FDSNStationXML/Network/Station/Channel[123]/Response/Stage[3]/PolesZeros ->  Unexpected child with tag 'fsx:Pole' at position 5. Tag 'fsx:NormalizationFrequency' expected. ObsPy cannot read the meta.
VR.VRG03..HH[123];2019-04-01;;2.01;5;metadata - missing attribute;/FDSNStationXML/Network/Station/Channel[123]/Response/Stage[3]/PolesZeros ->  Unexpected child with tag 'fsx:Pole' at position 5. Tag 'fsx:NormalizationFrequency' expected. ObsPy cannot read the meta.

Channel epochs overlap:

IV.CPIS..HHE;2010-01-29;;3.211;4;metadata - Channel epochs overlap;Chan: HHE Loc:  2023-11-23T00:00:00 null epoch overlaps with HHE  2023-11-23T00:00:00 2023-11-23T00:00:00

Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes/Elevations differ too much:

BS.YUND..HH[ZNE];2023-03-01;;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: YUND and Chan: HH[ZNE] Loc:  is expected to be less than 1 km but is 5252.202915726462 km
BS.YUND..HN[ZNE];2023-03-01;;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: YUND and Chan: HN[ZNE] Loc:  is expected to be less than 1 km but is 5252.202915726462 km
FR.ASEAF.10.HHZ;2005-04-01;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: ASEAF and Chan: HHZ Loc: 10 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 14.661724874363586 km
FR.ASEAF.10.HN[ZNE];2005-04-01;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: ASEAF and Chan: HN[ZNE] Loc: 10 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 14.661724874363586 km
FR.ASEAF.10.LHZ;2005-04-01;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: ASEAF and Chan: LHZ Loc: 10 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 14.661724874363586 km
FR.ASEAF.11.BDH;2005-04-01;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: ASEAF and Chan: BDH Loc: 11 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 14.698391920605303 km
FR.ASEAF.11.LDO;2005-04-01;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: ASEAF and Chan: LDO Loc: 11 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 14.698391920605303 km
FR.ASEAF.11.LKO;2005-04-01;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: ASEAF and Chan: LKO Loc: 11 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 14.698391920605303 km
FR.RUSF.03.BH[ZNE23];2000-08-02;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: RUSF and Chan: BH[ZNE23] Loc: 03 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 1.5482193540162623 km
FR.RUSF.03.HH[ZNE23];2000-08-02;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: RUSF and Chan: HH[ZNE23] Loc: 03 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 1.5482193540162623 km
FR.RUSF.03.LH[ZNE23];2000-08-02;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: RUSF and Chan: LH[ZNE23] Loc: 03 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 1.5482193540162623 km
FR.RUSF.06.BH[ZNE];2000-08-02;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: RUSF and Chan: BH[ZNE] Loc: 06 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 1.330982413107945 km
FR.RUSF.06.HH[ZNE23];2000-08-02;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: RUSF and Chan: HH[ZNE23] Loc: 06 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 1.330982413107945 km
FR.RUSF.06.LH[ZNE];2000-08-02;2500-12-31;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: RUSF and Chan: LH[ZNE] Loc: 06 is expected to be less than 1 km but is 1.330982413107945 km
IV.CRAC..EH[ZNE];2006-02-23;;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: CRAC and Chan: EH[ZNE] Loc:  is expected to be less than 1 km but is 1.8235090618673462 km
IV.LINA..HH[ZNE];2013-02-11;;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: LINA and Chan: HH[ZNE] Loc:  is expected to be less than 1 km but is 1.1507869161344675 km
OX.AGOR..HH[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: AGOR and Chan: HH[ZNE] Loc:  is expected to be less than 1 km but is 5.5594788480403 km
OX.AGOR..HN[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.222;4;metadata - Station and Channel Latitudes/Longitudes differ too much;Distance between Sta: AGOR and Chan: HN[ZNE] Loc:  is expected to be less than 1 km but is 5.5594788480403 km
BS.YUND..HH[ZNE];2023-03-01;;3.223;4;metadata - Station and Channel Elevations differ too much;Elevation between Sta: YUND and Chan: HH[ZNE] Loc:  is expected to be less than 1000 m but is 1449.0 m
BS.YUND..HN[ZNE];2023-03-01;;3.223;4;metadata - Station and Channel Elevations differ too much;Elevation between Sta: YUND and Chan: HNZ Loc:  is expected to be less than 1000 m but is 1449.0 m
IV.MC2..EH[ZNE];2009-01-30;;3.223;4;metadata - Station and Channel Elevations differ too much;Elevation between Sta: MC2 and Chan: EH[ZNE] Loc:  is expected to be less than 1000 m but is 1886.0 m
RD.ORIF..BH[ZNE];2013-06-19;2500-12-31;3.223;4;metadata - Station and Channel Elevations differ too much;Elevation between Sta: ORIF and Chan: BH[ZNE] Loc:  is expected to be less than 1000 m but is 1080.0 m

Samplerate cannot be 0 or null:

IV.CBAG..HH[ZNE];2014-05-27;;3.305;4;metadata - samplerate cannot be 0 or null;Sample rate cannot be 0 or null.
IY.CNDF.00.HH[ZNE];2021-12-22;;3.305;4;metadata - samplerate cannot be 0 or null;Sample rate cannot be 0 or null.
IY.MCDA..HH[ZNE];2023-02-14;;3.305;4;metadata - samplerate cannot be 0 or null;Sample rate cannot be 0 or null.

Missing Azimuth on Z component:

M1.PIVO..EHZ;2018-10-18;;3.320;4;metadata - missing Azimuth and/or Dip;Azimuth must be included for channels with H instrument values
M1.RYBC..EHZ;2019-04-10;;3.320;4;metadata - missing Azimuth and/or Dip;Azimuth must be included for channels with H instrument values

Invalid InputUnits for given Instrument code:

BS.YUND..HH[ZNE];2023-03-01;;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are V
G.SSB..VH[Z12];1982-05-02;1982-10-18;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
G.SSB..VH[Z12];1982-10-18;1983-12-07;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
G.SSB..VH[Z12];1983-12-07;1985-01-14;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
G.SSB..VH[Z12];1985-01-14;1985-02-11;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
G.SSB..VH[Z12];1985-02-11;1985-04-02;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
G.SSB..VH[Z12];1985-04-02;1985-06-12;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
G.SSB..VH[ZNE];1985-06-12;1987-04-22;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
GE.MARCO..[BHL]L[ZNE];2021-06-04;;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are M/S**2
HL.VLS..HH[ZNE];2010-12-07;2011-11-29;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are V
HL.VLY..HH[ZNE];2010-01-01;2010-09-08;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are V
HL.ZKR..[BS]H[ZNE];2010-07-18;2011-07-19;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are V
IV.MODE..BH[ZNE];2007-10-18;2007-12-06;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.AQU..HL[ZNE];2008-02-19;2011-04-13;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.AQU..HL[ZNE];2011-04-13;2017-12-31;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.BLY..HL[ZNE];2009-05-21;2017-12-13;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.BNI..HL[ZNE];2002-10-15;2012-11-15;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.BNI..[BLV]H[ZNE];2016-10-26;2023-11-25;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage last output units similar to count? but output units are V
MN.BNI..[BLV]H[ZNE];2023-12-27;;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage last output units similar to count? but output units are V
MN.CEL..HL[ZNE];2011-03-10;2012-11-15;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.CUC..HL[ZNE];2005-07-05;2011-11-14;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.CUC..HL[ZNE];2011-11-14;2012-11-15;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.PDG..HL[ZNE];2008-07-18;2018-04-23;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.TUE..HL[ZNE];2010-08-20;2012-11-15;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.VAE..BL[ZNE];2002-05-16;2010-06-06;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
MN.VAE..BL[ZNE];2010-06-07;2015-05-13;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
NI.VINO..HL[ZNE];2006-05-11;2017-10-30;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are m/s**2
OE.WTTA..[BHL]L[ZNE];2002-10-25;2014-09-24;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code L should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are M/S**2
RO.BURAR..BH[ZNE];2002-08-08;2017-10-05;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are M/S**2
RO.BURAR..BH[ZNE];2017-10-05;;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are M/S**2
Z6.A036A.00.HH[ZNE];2022-12-06;;3.321;4;metadata - invalid InputUnits (first Stage) and/or OutputUnits (last Stage);Instrument code H should have stage 1 input units similar to ?m/s but input units are V

Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages:

IV.CPIS..HH[ZNE];2023-11-23;2023-11-23;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [03] input unit V must equal stage [02] output unit count
IV.CSOB..HH[ZNE];2021-06-12;;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [03] input unit V must equal stage [02] output unit count
MN.TRI..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-08-16;;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [06] input unit V must equal stage [05] output unit count
OX.BAD..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [06] input unit V must equal stage [05] output unit count
OX.BALD..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [06] input unit V must equal stage [05] output unit count
OX.DRE..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [06] input unit V must equal stage [05] output unit count
OX.FUSE..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [06] input unit V must equal stage [05] output unit count
OX.MARN..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [06] input unit V must equal stage [05] output unit count
OX.MLN..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [06] input unit V must equal stage [05] output unit count
OX.PLRO..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [06] input unit V must equal stage [05] output unit count
OX.PRED..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.403;4;metadata - Input/OutputUnits do not follow in Stages;Stage [06] input unit V must equal stage [05] output unit count

Missing Decimation and StageGain in Stage:

PL.KWP..HH[ZNE];2010-05-20;;3.404;5;metadata - missing Decimation and/or StageGain in Stage(s);[stage 09] must include StageGain and Decimation
PL.NIE..HH[ZNE];2008-01-01;;3.404;5;metadata - missing Decimation and/or StageGain in Stage(s);[stage 09] must include StageGain and Decimation
PL.OJC..[BH]H[ZNE];1999-07-19;;3.404;5;metadata - missing Decimation and/or StageGain in Stage(s);[stage 09] must include StageGain and Decimation

Missing Value in InstrumentSensitivity:

HL.DION..HH[ZNE];2011-12-22;2022-05-22;3.410;4;metadata - missing Value in InstrumentSensitivity;InstrumentSensitivity/value is required
HL.PTL..HHZ;2010-01-01;2010-09-10;3.410;4;metadata - missing Value in InstrumentSensitivity;InstrumentSensitivity/value is required
HT.CMBO..HHN;2011-02-02;2013-01-01;3.410;4;metadata - missing Value in InstrumentSensitivity;InstrumentSensitivity/value is required
HT.KNT..HHN;2008-11-03;2015-11-05;3.410;4;metadata - missing Value in InstrumentSensitivity;InstrumentSensitivity/value is required

StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage:

BS.YUND..HH[ZNE];2023-03-01;;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 02] Zero:number 0 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
BS.YUND..HH[ZNE];2023-03-01;;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 02] Zero:number 1 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
BW.FFB2..BH1;2015-06-12;;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 01] Zero:number 0 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
BW.FFB2..BH1;2015-06-12;;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 01] Zero:number 1 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
HL.DION..HH[ZNE];2011-12-22;2022-05-22;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 01] Zero:number 11 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
HL.DION..HH[ZNE];2011-12-22;2022-05-22;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 01] Zero:number 12 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
HT.CMBO..HHN;2011-02-02;2013-01-01;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 01] Zero:number 7 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
HT.CMBO..HHN;2011-02-02;2013-01-01;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 01] Zero:number 8 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
HT.KNT..HHN;2008-11-03;2015-11-05;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 01] Zero:number 5 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
HT.KNT..HHN;2008-11-03;2015-11-05;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 01] Zero:number 6 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0

Missing InstrumentSensitivity in Response:

HL.DION..HH[ZNE];2011-12-22;2022-05-22;3.416;4;metadata - missing InstrumentSensitivity in Response;InstrumentSensitivity must be included for a non-polynomial responses.
HT.CMBO..HHN;2011-02-02;2013-01-01;3.416;4;metadata - missing InstrumentSensitivity in Response;InstrumentSensitivity must be included for a non-polynomial responses.
HT.KNT..HHN;2008-11-03;2015-11-05;3.416;4;metadata - missing InstrumentSensitivity in Response;InstrumentSensitivity must be included for a non-polynomial responses.

Output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate:

GU.GORR..HH[ZNE];2012-03-14;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 07] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 40.0
GU.IMI..SHZ;2003-03-01;2007-03-01;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 50.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
GU.SARM..EH[ZNE];2013-07-17;2021-12-17;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 30000.0
GU.SARM..EH[ZNE];2021-12-17;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 6400.0
IV.BRES..SH[ZNE];2008-10-01;2009-06-18;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 50.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 102400.0
IV.CAWE..EH[ZNE];2019-04-18;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.CBAC..EH[ZNE];2018-01-24;2022-02-03;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.CBAG..HH[ZNE];2014-05-27;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Channel:Samplerate: 0.0 != [stage 11] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 100.0
IV.CDCA..SH[ZNE];2006-07-14;2007-01-25;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 30000.0
IV.CFMN..HH[ZNE];2014-09-23;2021-12-21;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.CGL..BHE;2018-07-30;2022-07-11;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 50.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 20.0
IV.CMTS..EH[ZNE];2016-02-05;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.CNIS..HH[ZNE];2022-03-14;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 4000.0
IV.COLB..HH[ZNE];2011-07-06;2022-02-17;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.COLB..HH[ZNE];2022-02-17;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 4000.0
IV.CPIS..HH[ZNE];2010-01-29;2022-12-31;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.CPOZ..HH[ZNE];2011-07-19;2022-03-31;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.CPOZ..HH[ZNE];2022-04-11;2023-03-01;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.CRTO..HH[ZNE];1988-01-01;2006-09-01;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.CRTO..HH[ZNE];2006-09-01;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.ECTS..EH[ZNE];2010-06-22;2019-12-23;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 30000.0
IV.FIAM..BN[ZNE];2009-04-17;2011-06-28;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 50.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 30000.0
IV.FIU..EH[ZNE];2009-09-24;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 102400.0
IV.FROS..CH[ZNE];2018-08-04;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 250.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 1000.0
IV.IBCM..EH[ZNE];2020-06-05;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 6400.0
IV.ICVJ..EH[ZNE];2020-10-05;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.IFIL..EH[ZNE];2005-01-01;2012-03-14;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 30000.0
IV.IOCA..HH[ZNE];2011-02-09;2022-05-19;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.IOCA..HN[ZNE];2011-02-09;2022-05-19;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 200.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.MAGO..CH[ZNE];2018-04-11;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 250.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 1000.0
IV.MAGO..HH[ZNE];2017-01-11;2018-04-10;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 125.0 != [stage 04] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 100.0
IV.MCIV..CH[ZNE];2018-08-04;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 250.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 1000.0
IV.ORO..EH[ZNE];2023-11-22;2099-12-31;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 6400.0
IV.RINC..EH[ZNE];2023-06-07;2023-07-21;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 30000.0
IV.ROM9..HN[ZNE];2019-06-18;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 200.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 64000.0
IV.ROSPO..HH[ZNE];2020-01-20;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.SANR..EH[ZNE];2022-06-14;2099-01-01;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 6400.0
IV.SGAL..EH[ZNE];2021-02-10;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 6400.0
IV.STRC..BH[ZNE];2008-05-12;2022-04-30;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 50.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.STRG..BH[ZNE];2011-06-12;2022-04-28;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 50.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.TERO..HN[ZNE];2009-04-17;2011-06-21;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 50.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 30000.0
IV.TRIF..CH[ZNE];2018-04-11;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 250.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 1000.0
IV.VBKN..HH[ZNE];2009-05-12;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.VCEL..EH[ZNE];2009-09-24;2010-06-30;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 102400.0
IV.VCNE..EH[ZNE];2018-12-04;2021-12-31;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.VCRE..HH[ZNE];2008-10-15;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.VENL..EH[ZNE];2021-06-17;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 6400.0
IV.VISG..HH[ZNE];2019-06-12;2021-05-29;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.VOBA..EH[ZNE];2021-02-23;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 6400.0
IV.VTRZ..HH[ZNE];2022-10-20;2023-06-08;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 4000.0
IV.VVDG..HH[ZNE];1988-01-01;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.ZCCA..SHZ;2003-03-01;2007-02-19;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 50.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.ZOVE..EH[ZNE];2020-10-14;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 6400.0
IY.CNDF.00.HH[ZNE];2021-12-22;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 0.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 100.0
IY.MCDA..HH[ZNE];2023-02-14;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 0.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.BNI..[BLV]H[ZNE];2016-10-26;2023-11-25;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Decimation cannot be null
MN.BNI..[BLV]H[ZNE];2023-12-27;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Decimation cannot be null
MN.VAE..B[HL][ZNE];2010-06-07;2015-05-13;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 20.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
MN.VAE..HH[ZNE];2015-05-14;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 80.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
OT.OT05..EH[ZNE];2019-05-16;2024-02-20;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 600.0
OT.OT11..EH[ZNE];2019-05-16;2024-03-11;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 600.0
OT.OT12..EH[ZNE];2019-01-23;2024-02-12;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 600.0
OT.OT14..EH[ZNE];2019-05-16;2024-02-12;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 600.0
OT.OT16..EH[ZNE];2021-04-14;2024-02-27;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 100.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 600.0
OX.AGOR..HH[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 80.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0
TV.SU26..HH[ZNE];2017-03-06;2021-11-09;3.421;4;metadata - output samplerate from Stages not equal to Channel.SampleRate;Chan:Samplerate 125.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:Frequency/Decimation:Factor 0.0

Samplerates do not follow in Stages:

HA.ATAL..HHE;2012-11-23;2014-10-01;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 102400.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
HT.ACHL..HH[ZNE];2023-03-14;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1024000.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
HT.ITHC..HH[ZNE];2023-09-18;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1024000.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.CGL..BHE;2018-07-30;2022-07-11;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate 100.0 != [stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 50.0
IV.GIUL..H[HN][ZNE];2023-02-16;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 3200.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 64000.0
IV.GUAR..HH[ZNE];2023-02-16;2023-10-09;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 3200.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 64000.0
IV.GUAR..HN[ZNE];2023-02-16;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 3200.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 64000.0
IV.GUAR..[BHL]H[ZNE];2023-10-09;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 3200.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 64000.0
IV.RDP..H[HN][ZNE];2023-02-14;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 3200.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 64000.0
IV.SAMA..EH[ZNE];2023-02-14;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 3200.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 64000.0
IV.SAMA..HN[ZNE];2023-02-14;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 3200.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 64000.0
IV.SGG..[BHL]H[ZNE];2008-04-04;2011-04-05;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 102400.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
IV.TB01.01.DH[ZNE];2012-07-06;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 256000.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 2560000.0
IV.TB01.18.DH[Z12];2012-07-06;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 256000.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 2560000.0
IV.TB02.01.DH[ZNE];2012-07-06;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 256000.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 2560000.0
IV.TB02.21.DH[Z12];2012-07-06;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 256000.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 2560000.0
IV.TB03.01.DH[Z12];2012-07-06;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 256000.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 2560000.0
IV.TB03.05.DH[Z12];2012-07-06;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 256000.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 2560000.0
IV.TB03.15.DH[Z12];2012-07-06;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 256000.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 2560000.0
IV.TB03.25.DH[Z12];2012-07-06;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate 256000.0 != [stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 2560000.0
MN.AQU..[BLV]H[ZNE];2019-03-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.AQU..[LV]H[ZNE];2019-03-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.BLY..[BLV]H[ZNE];2017-12-13;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.BLY..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-12-13;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.CEL..[BLV]H[ZNE];2017-10-05;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.CEL..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-10-05;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.CUC..[BLV]H[ZNE];2017-09-30;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.CUC..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-09-30;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.DIVS..[BLV]H[ZNE];2022-04-08;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.DIVS..[LV]H[ZNE];2022-04-08;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.PDG..[BLV]H[ZNE];2018-04-23;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.PDG..[LV]H[ZNE];2018-04-23;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.TIP..[BLV]H[ZNE];2017-10-02;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.TIP..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-10-02;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.TRI..[BLV]H[ZNE];2017-08-16;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.TRI..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-08-16;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.TUE..[BLV]H[ZNE];2017-07-26;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.TUE..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-07-26;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.VLC..[BLV]H[ZNE];2017-02-23;2021-06-08;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.VLC..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-02-23;2021-06-08;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.VLC..[BLV]H[ZNE];2022-05-03;2099-05-03;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.VLC..[LV]H[ZNE];2022-05-03;2099-05-03;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.VSL..[BLV]H[ZNE];2017-06-30;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.VSL..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-06-30;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
MN.WDD..[BLV]H[ZNE];2017-07-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
MN.WDD..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-07-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
OX.BAD..[BLV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
OX.BAD..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
OX.BALD..[BLV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
OX.BALD..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
OX.DRE..[BLV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
OX.DRE..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
OX.FUSE..[BLV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
OX.FUSE..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
OX.MARN..[BLV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
OX.MARN..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
OX.MLN..[BLV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
OX.MLN..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
OX.PLRO..[BLV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
OX.PLRO..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
OX.PRED..[BLV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
OX.PRED..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 06] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 05] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 20.0
OX.SABO..BH[ZNE];2016-01-01;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 100.0
SL.LEGS..[BHL]H[Z12];2002-09-02;2017-07-05;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20000.0 != [stage 01] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
SL.LEGS..HN[ZNE];2016-04-14;2017-07-05;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate 30000.0 != [stage 01] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
SL.LEGS..[BH]H[Z12];2017-07-06;2020-11-23;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate 30000.0 != [stage 01] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
SL.LEGS..[BH]N[ZNE];2017-07-06;2020-11-23;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate 30000.0 != [stage 01] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
SL.LEGS..BH[Z12];2020-11-24;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 01] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
SL.LEGS..HH[Z12];2020-11-24;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate 200.0 != [stage 01] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
SL.LEGS..LH[Z12];2020-11-24;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 01] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
SL.LEGS..BN[ZNE];2020-11-24;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate 20.0 != [stage 01] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
SL.LEGS..HN[ZNE];2020-11-24;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate 200.0 != [stage 01] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
SL.LEGS..LN[ZNE];2020-11-24;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 02] Decimation:InputSampleRate 1.0 != [stage 01] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0
Z6.A036A.00.HH[ZNE];2022-12-06;;3.422;4;metadata - samplerates do not follow in Stages;[stage 04] Decimation:InputSampleRate 100.0 != [stage 03] Decimation:InputSampleRate/Decimation:Factor 0.0

Metadata response failures:

AC.BERA.00.HH[ZNE];2022-07-19;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
AC.LACI.00.HH[ZNE];2022-07-19;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
BS.YUND..HH[ZNE];2023-03-01;;4;5;metadata response failure;norm_resp: Illegal filter specification
HL.DION..HH[ZNE];2011-12-22;2022-05-22;4;5;metadata response failure;'NoneType' object has no attribute 'value'
HL.PTL..HHZ;2010-01-01;2010-09-10;4;5;metadata response failure;norm_resp: Illegal RESP format
HT.CMBO..HHN;2011-02-02;2013-01-01;4;5;metadata response failure;'NoneType' object has no attribute 'value'
HT.KNT..HHN;2008-11-03;2015-11-05;4;5;metadata response failure;'NoneType' object has no attribute 'value'
IV.CBAG..HH[ZNE];2014-05-27;;4;5;metadata response failure;zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity
IV.CPIS..HH[ZNE];2023-11-23;2023-11-23;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
IV.CSOB..HH[ZNE];2021-06-12;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
IV.GIUL..HH[ZNE];2023-02-16;;4;5;metadata response failure;index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
IV.GUAR..HH[ZNE];2023-02-16;2023-10-09;4;5;metadata response failure;index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
IV.GUAR..[BHL]H[ZNE];2023-10-09;;4;5;metadata response failure;index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
IV.RDP..HH[ZNE];2023-02-14;;4;5;metadata response failure;index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
IV.SAMA..EH[ZNE];2023-02-14;;4;5;metadata response failure;index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
IY.CNDF.00.HH[ZNE];2021-12-22;;4;5;metadata response failure;zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity
IY.MCDA..HH[ZNE];2023-02-14;;4;5;metadata response failure;zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity
MN.TRI..[LV]H[ZNE];2017-08-16;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
OX.BAD..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
OX.BALD..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
OX.DRE..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
OX.FUSE..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
OX.MARN..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
OX.MLN..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
OX.PLRO..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format
OX.PRED..[LV]H[ZNE];2016-01-01;;4;5;metadata response failure;check_channel: Illegal RESP format

No Poles in PolesZerosResponseStage:

BW.FFB2..BH1;2015-06-12;;4.01;5;metadata - no Poles in PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: len(P)=0  stage2: len(Poles,Zeros)=(0,0)
CH.LLS..SHZ;1975-01-11;1978-12-06;4.01;5;metadata - no Poles in PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: len(P)=0  stage1: len(Poles,Zeros)=(0,0)
GR.GEB2..[BH]HZ;2018-10-29;2019-05-15;4.01;5;metadata - no Poles in PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: len(P)=0  stage1: len(Poles,Zeros)=(0,0)

Not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage:

7B.A339A.00.[HL]HE;2015-09-02;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-0.07405+0.07405j), (-0.07405-0.07405j), (-177.72+177.72j), (-177.72+177.72j)]
BW.ZUGS..BHZ;2017-08-10;2018-12-31;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-0.074024-0.07402j), (-0.074024+0.074024j), (-502.6+0j), (-1005.3+0j), (-1130.9+0j)]
CZ.DPC..[HLV]H[ZNE];2006-10-13;2007-05-03;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-0.01234-0.01234j), (-0.01234-0.01234j), (-39.18+49.12j), (-39.18-49.12j)]
CZ.DPC..[BHLV]HZ;2007-05-03;2020-12-09;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-0.01234-0.01234j), (-0.01234-0.01234j), (-39.18+49.12j), (-39.18-49.12j)]
CZ.DPC..[BHLV]H[NE];2007-05-03;2019-11-12;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-0.01234-0.01234j), (-0.01234-0.01234j), (-39.18+49.12j), (-39.18-49.12j)]
CZ.DPC..[BHLV]H[NE];2019-11-12;2020-12-09;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-0.01234-0.01234j), (-0.01234-0.01234j), (-39.18+49.12j), (-39.18-49.12j)]
HL.NISR..HH[ZNE];2021-01-15;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-0.148597+0.148597j), (0.148597+0.148597j), (-1130.97+0j), (-1005.31+0j), (-502.655+0j)]
IV.TB03.01.DH1;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-10.8472+12.0467j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.01.DH2;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-8.82909+9.80546j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.01.DHZ;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-10.5529+11.7199j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.05.DH1;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-8.61887+9.572j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.05.DH2;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-7.56779+8.40468j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.05.DHZ;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-7.98823+8.8716j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.15.DH1;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-9.79608+10.8794j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.15.DH2;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-9.58587+10.6459j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.15.DHZ;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-10.721+11.9066j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.25.DH1;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-10.8472+12.0467j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.25.DH2;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-8.82909+9.80546j), (-10.553-11.72j)]
IV.TB03.25.DHZ;2012-07-06;;4.04;5;metadata - not conjugated Poles in the PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: imag(prod(Poles))!=0  stage1: Poles=[(-10.5529+11.7199j), (-10.553-11.72j)]

to be continued in the next post

luvec commented 3 months ago

... continuation

Channel band confusion in broadband and short-period:

BS.DIM..HH[ZNE];2005-12-02;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
BS.JMB..BH[ZNE];2004-04-01;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 20.0 Hz, corner period: 2.99 s)
BW.BE1..EH[ZNE];2011-05-13;2015-10-19;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 200.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
BW.KW1..EH[ZNE];2010-12-02;2015-10-19;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 200.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
BW.RJOB..EH[ZNE];2007-12-17;2014-11-26;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 200.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
BW.RJOB..EH[ZNE];2014-11-26;2015-10-19;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 200.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
BW.SCE..EH[ZNE];2012-12-05;2013-04-24;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 200.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
BW.SCE..EH[ZNE];2013-04-24;2015-10-21;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 200.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
BW.SYB01..BH[ZNE];2020-12-08;2021-04-03;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 20.0 Hz, corner period: 0.24 s)
BW.SYB01..HH[ZNE];2020-12-08;2021-04-03;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 200.0 Hz, corner period: 0.23 s)
BW.UH3..EH[ZNE];2010-04-28;2010-05-05;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 200.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
CL.AGRP.00.EH[ZNE];2012-04-10;2012-06-20;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
CL.MALA.00.EH[ZNE];2022-12-03;2023-11-16;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 12.79 s)
CL.MALA.00.HH[ZNE];2021-08-05;2021-09-22;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 4.97 s)
CL.PSAM.00.EH[ZNE];2013-06-13;2013-10-01;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
CL.ROD3.01.EH[ZNE];2010-10-23;2011-06-16;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
CL.TRIZ.00.EH[ZNE];2010-10-20;2011-06-17;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
CL.ZIRI.01.EH[ZNE];2011-06-15;2012-06-19;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
CL.ZIRI.02.EH[NE];2011-12-14;2016-12-31;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
CL.ZIRI.02.EH[ZNE];2017-01-01;2021-09-21;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
CZ.OKC..BH[ZNE];2016-06-28;2023-02-01;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 20.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
CZ.OKC..HH[ZNE];2016-06-28;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
GE.KERA..SH[ZNE];2003-06-24;2010-05-14;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
GE.MATE..SH[ZNE];2007-04-24;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
GE.TIRR..SH[ZNE];2003-10-13;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
GU.EQUI..HH[ZNE];2012-04-26;2012-11-09;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 4.97 s)
HA.ACOR..HH[ZNE];2009-02-17;2009-08-05;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 4.97 s)
HA.AMPE..HH[ZNE];2021-08-03;2021-09-02;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HA.AMPE..HH[ZNE];2021-09-02;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HA.ATHR..HH[ZNE];2022-04-14;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 4.64 s)
HA.HAVD..HH[ZNE];2022-04-13;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 4.64 s)
HA.MRKA..HH[ZNE];2014-11-19;2020-09-23;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HA.MRTH..HH[ZNE];2020-09-08;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 4.64 s)
HA.SNT1..HH[ZNE];2012-09-21;2014-04-26;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HA.SNT5..HH[ZNE];2014-04-29;2021-06-29;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HA.SNT5..HH[ZNE];2021-06-29;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HA.STFN..HH[ZNE];2019-07-20;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HA.THIV..HH[ZNE];2021-08-03;2022-09-20;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HC.RODP..HH[ZNE];2014-10-17;2020-10-30;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HC.TEFL..HH[ZNE];2022-07-13;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 4.64 s)
HL.ITM..SH[ZNE];2003-10-20;2004-05-27;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
HL.ITM..SH[ZNE];2004-05-27;2010-02-23;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
HL.KEK..SH[ZNE];2003-10-20;2007-07-14;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
HL.KEK..SH[ZNE];2007-07-14;2010-12-07;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 125.46 s)
HL.RDO..SH[ZNE];2003-10-20;2008-01-30;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
HL.RDO..SH[ZNE];2008-01-30;2010-10-29;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 61.37 s)
HL.ZKR..SH[ZNE];2010-07-18;2011-07-19;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
HP.AXS..HH[ZN];2012-07-04;2018-10-11;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
HP.UPR..HH[ZNE];2007-12-28;2009-05-12;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
HT.DMLN..HH[ZNE];2014-09-19;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HT.DRAG..HH[ZNE];2014-10-03;2015-03-24;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HT.DRAG..HH[ZNE];2015-03-24;2016-04-25;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 0.99 s)
HT.DRAG..HH[ZNE];2016-04-25;2017-09-28;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HT.DRAG..HH[ZNE];2017-09-28;2021-11-06;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HT.EVGI..HH[ZNE];2012-07-06;2014-07-10;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HT.NESN..HH[ZNE];2021-03-06;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HT.NYDR..HH[ZNE];2014-10-03;2016-04-01;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HT.NYDR..HH[ZNE];2016-04-01;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HT.THT1..BH[ZNE];2014-09-10;2020-10-16;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
HT.TSLK..HH[ZNE];2012-10-10;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.04 s)
HU.BEHE..SH[ZNE];2005-07-03;2013-04-11;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
HU.BEHE..SH[ZNE];2013-04-11;2017-07-26;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
HU.CSKK..BH[ZNE];2009-01-01;2013-03-07;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 20.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
HU.CSKK..BH[ZNE];2013-03-07;2016-01-29;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 20.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
HU.CSKK..HH[ZNE];2009-01-01;2013-03-07;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
HU.CSKK..HH[ZNE];2013-03-07;2016-01-29;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
HU.PSZ..SH[ZNE];1995-01-01;1999-12-06;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 40.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
HU.PSZ..SH[ZNE];1999-12-06;2001-09-20;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 40.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
HU.PSZ..SH[ZNE];2001-09-20;2002-06-20;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
HU.PSZ..SH[ZNE];2002-06-20;2016-10-26;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
HU.PSZ..SH[ZNE];2016-10-26;2017-07-05;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
HU.PSZ..SH[ZNE];2017-07-05;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 122.60 s)
IV.AOI..EH[ZNE];2004-06-29;2005-06-16;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 40.52 s)
IV.DGI..BH[ZNE];2006-05-04;2008-04-04;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 4.85 s)
IV.FERC.00.HH[ZNE];2021-09-14;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 0.13 s)
IV.FVI..EH[ZNE];2003-03-01;2004-03-25;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 30.72 s)
IV.FVI..EH[ZNE];2004-03-25;2004-04-21;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 30.72 s)
IV.FVI..EH[ZNE];2004-04-21;2008-06-09;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 30.72 s)
IV.LNSS..EH[ZNE];2005-05-31;2005-06-16;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 40.52 s)
IV.MODE..BH[ZNE];2007-10-18;2007-12-06;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 0.22 s)
IV.MPG..BH[ZNE];2007-10-23;2007-12-17;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 4.85 s)
IV.MPG..SH[ZNE];2017-06-13;2019-07-02;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band S -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 20.29 s)
IV.MTCE..EH[ZNE];2005-04-20;2005-06-10;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 40.52 s)
IV.SGG..EH[ZNE];2005-03-22;2005-06-23;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> B (sr: 50.0 Hz, corner period: 40.52 s)
IV.TOLF..BH[ZNE];2003-03-01;2003-06-30;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 20.0 Hz, corner period: 4.85 s)
IV.TOLF..HH[ZNE];2003-03-01;2003-06-30;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 4.85 s)
IX.STN3.02.HH[ZNE];2008-10-22;2022-01-03;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 125.0 Hz, corner period: 1.01 s)
IY.CIRK..HH[ZNE];2022-12-23;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> E (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 0.04 s)
MT.CLP2.01.DH1;2021-05-14;2500-12-31;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band D -> C (sr: 250.0 Hz, corner period: 12.50 s)
MT.CLP2.01.DH3;2021-05-14;2500-12-31;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band D -> C (sr: 250.0 Hz, corner period: 12.21 s)
MT.CLP2.02.DH4;2021-05-14;2500-12-31;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band D -> C (sr: 250.0 Hz, corner period: 12.50 s)
MT.CLP2.02.DH6;2021-05-14;2500-12-31;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band D -> C (sr: 250.0 Hz, corner period: 14.35 s)
MT.CLP2.07.EHZ;2010-09-24;2020-09-14;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band E -> H (sr: 100.0 Hz, corner period: 12.79 s)
MT.CLP4.01.HH[123];2021-04-14;2021-05-14;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> D (sr: 250.0 Hz, corner period: 0.22 s)
MT.CLP4.02.HH[56];2021-04-14;2021-05-14;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band H -> D (sr: 250.0 Hz, corner period: 0.22 s)
MT.GRA1.00.DH[ZNE];2016-06-09;2017-06-02;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band D -> C (sr: 250.0 Hz, corner period: 12.79 s)
MT.GRA1.01.DH[ZNE];2016-06-09;2017-06-02;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band D -> C (sr: 250.0 Hz, corner period: 12.79 s)
MT.RUI.01.CHZ;2016-06-21;2017-05-31;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band C -> D (sr: 250.0 Hz, corner period: 0.51 s)
MT.RUI.04.CHZ;2016-05-04;2017-05-31;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band C -> D (sr: 250.0 Hz, corner period: 0.51 s)
RO.BURAR..BH[ZNE];2002-08-08;2017-10-05;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 40.0 Hz, corner period: 0.18 s)
RO.BURAR..BH[ZNE];2017-10-05;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 40.0 Hz, corner period: 0.27 s)
SJ.SVIS..BH[ZNE];2006-01-01;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 20.0 Hz, corner period: 1.64 s)
UD.KPD..BH[ZNE];1991-01-01;;4.06;4;metadata - channel band confusion in broadband and short-period;band B -> S (sr: 20.0 Hz, corner period: 1.43 s)
luvec commented 3 months ago

Networks already in the process of fixing issues: CZ, KO, SL (thanks!)

megies commented 3 months ago

Channel band confusion in broadband and short-period:

Regarding this topic for network BW, sadly this is not purely a metadata issue. If we were to fix this, we would have to rewrite the entire waveform raw data, replacing channel code in every single MiniSEED record of every file involved. While this would of course be doable, touching the original raw waveforms with write operations is not something I fancy doing. If anything goes wrong data could be lost and if making sure nothing goes wrong this means a lot of work (backups, then checks for equality, then removing backup again etc etc). For the most part this concerns really old data and while we can discuss this here at LMU further, I do not think we want to make a change there.

CC @aschloem @jwassermann

EDIT: fixed some more issues, thanks for making us aware of them

BW.FFB2..BH1;2015-06-12;;4.01;5;metadata - no Poles in PolesZerosResponseStage;inventoryP&Z: len(P)=0  stage2: len(Poles,Zeros)=(0,0)
BW.FFB2..BH1;2015-06-12;;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 01] Zero:number 0 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
BW.FFB2..BH1;2015-06-12;;3.414;4;metadata - StageGain.Frequency is zero in undue Stage;[stage 01] Zero:number 1 Zero:Real==0 and Zero:Imaginary==0 InstrumentSensitivity:Frequency must not equal 0
megies commented 3 months ago

@luvec the check for conjugated Poles is quite strict, basically it caught some inconsistent rounding at the fifth significant digit in our case

(-0.074024-0.07402j) != (-0.074024+0.074024j).conjugate()

I'll fix it for our station in question, but maybe the check routine could be made a little bit more forgiving

aschloem commented 3 months ago

We also fixed Z6.A036A.

Thank you for making us aware of the errors.

luvec commented 3 months ago

@megies thank you very much for your prompt metadata corrections.

As for renaming channels in metadata and at the same time in mseeds, I understand that this is a lot of extra work, where one also has to be careful not to 'damage' the original mseed (the question is what software to use that can change only the name of the channel without modifying anything else in mseeds). On the other hand, as a data user, I would insist (and I have the support of other users in my area) that, in the case of distinguishing whether a seismometer is broadband or shortperiod, the name of the channel is crucial and it should match. But let's see the opinions of other people here.

Concerning the conjugated Poles, I agree my check is quite strict. I will try to find some conditions to decide if the values are mostly the same or different so much that it will significantly influence the instrument response. (I hope it will not take me much more time than to simply fix the metadata Poles ;)

@aschloem thanks!