Just for information - i testing to run main.py by root and /etc/crontab system.
Don't work by default, BUT, if make some changes - will be work fine:
1) Place directory to /root/
2) Change main.py and write absolute path to settings.ini
3) Write /etc/crontab as:
5 9 * root /usr/bin/python3 /root/grafana_image_downloader-main/main.py --dashboard=549hT2p4z --panel=4 --f=now-24h --t=now --file=/root/image.png
Just for information - i testing to run main.py by root and /etc/crontab system.
Don't work by default, BUT, if make some changes - will be work fine: 1) Place directory to /root/ 2) Change main.py and write absolute path to settings.ini 3) Write /etc/crontab as: 5 9 * root /usr/bin/python3 /root/grafana_image_downloader-main/main.py --dashboard=549hT2p4z --panel=4 --f=now-24h --t=now --file=/root/image.png