ELIFE-ASU / PyInform

A Python Wrapper for the Inform Information Analysis Library
MIT License
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Complete Overhaul - v0.0.4 #7

Closed dglmoore closed 7 years ago

dglmoore commented 7 years ago

Cython to CTypes

Cython doesn't seem like a major dependency, but it is a dependency. We don't want users to have to compile anything. Just pip install pyinform and everything just works. For this reason, the pip binary releases carry with them the necessary inform binaries, and the python wrappers make use of ctypes in lieu of cython.


We've moved from distutils to setuptools. Setuptools seems to be more PyPi/pip friendly.


The version of pyinform will be kept in lock-step with inform. As such, the version is v0.0.4 and makes use of the newest release of inform.

OS X Support

At present only Linux and Windows are officially supported. This has nothing to do with functionality; pyinform work just fine on OS X. However, the binary releases of inform do not yet include OS X binaries. This will be fixed with the update to v0.0.5.