Pulling information from biological databases, and converting it into easy to use gmls for network science.
MIT License
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Provide the list of all possible arguments #13

Closed thyamu closed 5 years ago

thyamu commented 5 years ago


Write the list of all possible arguments at the beginning of description for the script as it is done under the function "scape_domain".

For example, for domain,


        'Bacteria' (wait 45 seconds)
        'Plasmids' UNTESTED
        'Viruses' UNTESTED
        'GFragment' (gene fragments) UNTESTED
        ## Alpha2
        '*Microbiome' (metagenome)
        'cell' (metagenome- cell enrichment) UNTESTED
        'sps' (metagenome- single particle sort) UNTESTED
        'Metatranscriptome' UNTESTED 
hbsmith commented 5 years ago

This is included with the latest commits.