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Add functionality to post-process prioritizr output #13

Open sandra-neubert opened 1 month ago

sandra-neubert commented 1 month ago

Add some functions that allow to process and visualise the output of a prioritizr run. This can include:

Any other ideas @scabecks ?

scabecks commented 1 month ago

@diizhang do you have any ideas on this too? I can't recall what was done post-hoc in Colombia by Luizmar?

diizhang commented 1 month ago

Hi @scabecks, is this for the ELSA tool on UNBL? Please see my comments below: Visualising prioritizr solution

Comparing different prioritizr outputs (maps that include no-regret areas, selected in one but not in other solution; plots comparing how well targets are met, some statistical measure (e.g. Cohen's Kappa) to show similarity).

Visualising the differences between zones

Tables of how well targets are met

scabecks commented 1 month ago

@diizhang these visualisation functions would be for creating nice outputs outside of the web-tools, for use in reports or other things (better than screenshots from the tools). They will not be modifications or additions to the shiny applications (that'd be another workload all together). Do we have examples of the post-hoc analyses Luizmar did to help guide us?

diizhang commented 1 month ago

@scabecks yes, here are the report of the post-hoc analyses: CR, Peru

sandra-neubert commented 1 month ago

Thanks @diizhang and @scabecks! Just double-checking most of the plots in the documents you sent, @diizhang, are screenshots and don't have R functions yet? Also, the max utility objective function does not necessarily need to represent all of the features. I know you use weights to increase the representation of your features and have for example Fig. 3 in the Peru document that shows how the zones contribute to the representation but even a 100% of the absolute representation across zones could in reality mean that a feature only has few planning units included in your solution, is that correct? For example, although it says 100% of High Integrity Forest is in the protection zone, how much of forest with high structural integrity is actually included in the solution (in PUs or area)? Sorry, maybe I'm missing something.

scabecks commented 4 weeks ago

@diizhang did Luismar share how he made those calculations and maps (most are clearly made in R with tmap)? Do you have his email to reach out, or could reach out yourself?

diizhang commented 6 days ago

Hi @scabecks @sandra-neubert , please find the code here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/1jtep24bad738vuv7mryz/ABRZlyGKUL0k9E_fnXywiQw?rlkey=5ebxo00vy7a5w85lamovx24p6&dl=0