ELTE-DH / NoSketch-Engine-Docker

A NoSketch Engine Docker image which is easy to use
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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How to change the Web UI language? #21

Closed fishfree closed 1 week ago

fishfree commented 2 weeks ago

In the container, there is a file /var/www/crystal/locale/zh_Hans.json (confusingly, in the web UI, right-up corner, account->settings->language, there is no Chinese options.), then I change this line to DEFAULT_LOCALE: "zh_Hans", in the file /var/www/crystal/config.js, However, it does not take effect after refreshing the page.

I also asked here, the said file localization.meta.js cannot be found in the container.

dlazesz commented 1 week ago

The container is to be run from an image, which is to be build and not modified later. To add language you must modify the build script. The file you mention is in noske_files directory in the crystal-open-*.tar.gz compressed archive file which is identical to the one found at: https://nlp.fi.muni.cz/trac/noske/wiki/WikiStart#Lateststablerelease

It is up to you to change the build script to accommodate your changes. Then you need to rebuild the image and run the container for the changes to take effect.

fishfree commented 1 week ago

@dlazesz Thank you very much!