ELynx / ddf-350-modding

My mods for DumboRC DDF-350 RC remote firmware(s)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Program MIX - Multiplication mode #1

Closed dhilung closed 1 month ago

dhilung commented 3 months ago

Existing two MIX options are additive. I.e., output(S) = M + S. Can we change the second MIX such that output(S) = M * S.

The additive mix does not work well when you want to "scale" a channel output (e.g., throttle CH2) by a variable knob channel (e.g, VR5). My use case is exactly this. I'd like to quickly scale or attenuate the throttle channel directly using one of the variable knob as I switch the controller back and forth with my toddler :)

dhilung commented 3 months ago

If anyone interested, a workaround is achievable with the current mod using following settings that allows your throttle to be scaled to 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% by enabling and disabling MIX1 and MIX2 using No1 and No2 triggers. \


\ MIX1 doubles the current throttle while MIX2 reduces the current throttle by half. Since mixtures are processed in parallel and not in series, 4 variations are possible instead of 3.

MIX1 MIX2 Scale
0 1 25%
0 0 50%
1 1 75%
1 0 100%
ELynx commented 3 months ago

Hi! Apologies for late response, somehow I missed the notification.

I was thinking about multiplication a lot myself. I often find that I want to have "direction" button, so I can quickly reverse a channel. Multiplying by -1 / 0 / 1 does that (and more).

My mind often rotate around 4ws, so for me it would be 3-pos button as multiplier. Center is zero, front only. Then -x% and +x% so I either scale rear steering with + or - sign. But I get your point to have "top speed" adjustment.

There is an issue with this, as far as I can think of. There needs to be "input" channel, in this case throttle, "scale" channel, such as VR-5 and VR-6 and "output" channel where value goes. But UI has only settings for two, most useful "input" and "scale". I see a solution in writing output back to input. I see that "out of the box" this is kind of supported, as you show in your workaround.

My solution, if I come to make one, would be: write "output" back to "input". It seems to be supported by remote logic in general. I can make MIX1 "additive" so channel can be replicated, and MIX2 "multiplicative" so scale can be applied.

I will add this idea to my list, and to my "thought shelf". Hope workaround works for you in the meantime. Maybe I can hack into UI logic and add second round of "CHn" inputs, made as "x CHn" and have free selection between additive and multiplicative. No promises here, since mixing logic is quite messy.

TL;DR version :) I had similar ideas, now that you ask about it and give your case, I will see what I can do.

82munk commented 3 months ago


The files bin files from dumbo are not recognised by PowerIso or 7zip or do i need another program? Your patches look fine

What drivers do i need ddf350 & pc i get not recognised pop up

ELynx commented 3 months ago

@82munk , hi, I created a standalone issue to answer you, see my answer there

ELynx commented 2 months ago

Looking into this; especially into UI parts of this.

ELynx commented 2 months ago

Hey @dhilung Took me some time and some detours to learn, but I did multiplicative mixes, now released as Alpha https://github.com/ELynx/ddf-350-modding/releases/tag/v0.0.4-alpha.3 It works pretty stably, I use it on my remote, but I wanted to know your opinion before making a release. For flashung, make sure to apply patch to pristine original file, not already patched. I will update instructions to reflect this with release, so I give you a heads-up here. I set up SW-7 to be my "kids mode" switch with 25 50 75 percent power. With progmix off it is 100 percent power. You of cource can use fast toggle or keep it in menus for safety. photo_2024-08-03_23-11-22 photo_2024-08-03_23-11-19 photo_2024-08-03_23-11-14