Fixes #23.
The centering is done automatically with Flexbox, so no math needed and should work with every resolution/scaling.
Also adds a toggle so the expansion can be opt-out if wanted (this doesn't affect the expansion/centering in handheld mode).
I attached some screenshots with different scaling settings applied.Please note that i tested this on 1080p only, as i do not own a 4K Monitor.
Fixes #23. The centering is done automatically with Flexbox, so no math needed and should work with every resolution/scaling. Also adds a toggle so the expansion can be opt-out if wanted (this doesn't affect the expansion/centering in handheld mode).
I attached some screenshots with different scaling settings applied.Please note that i tested this on 1080p only, as i do not own a 4K Monitor.
Normal Scaling
Minimal Scaling
Maximal Scaling