Extended Mechanics & Flavor
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AI tribes only rarely feudalize. #632

Closed zijistark closed 5 years ago

zijistark commented 5 years ago

It'd be "virtually never," but Scandinavia does tend to feudalize, presumably due to their Prepared Invasions of feudal lands which contain a bunch of castles (an exception to a lot of the rules).

We've already restored the old EMF behavior of allowing unreformed pagans to feudalize (and convert to merchant republics), but apparently we need to do more.

For this iteration, I propose that we exempt AI tribes from having to pay the somewhat extortionate levels of prestige (an EMF feature, not vanilla) required for raising Tribal Organization law IF.F. they border another independent feudal realm. I might see if I can reduce the opinion penalty from vassals with cultures/religions that dislike_tribal_organization = yes as well, although only slightly so.