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Increase prestige cost of tribal buildings & reduce their output #659

Closed zijistark closed 4 years ago

zijistark commented 4 years ago

Tribal buildings never were nerfed like our feudal building system. Prestige comes way too easily to tribals that can loot, especially Norse, although it still comes too easily without looting. Make the prestige-costing buildings cost more, take longer to complete, and if they produce troops, then reduce troop output per upgrade.

I've currently nothing in particular in mind for the ratios by which to increase cost & time & decrease output. Not all 3 variables necessarily need to be involved.

If we're not charging "upkeep" for tribal buildings like we do with castles, cities, and temples, that'd be a good place to start.

NOTE: The market town and hillfort building chains, which are necessary for feudalization, should be treated with care (also, I believe both are gold-based).