EMGD-Community / intel-binaries-linux

Binaries and source code published by Intel®
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Dual display support #37

Open alterdaemon opened 8 years ago

alterdaemon commented 8 years ago

First of all I want to thank you for your fine work!

Second, could you provide any hint for connecting second display monitor, e.g. via VGA cable? Ubuntu doesn't detect monitor when I plug the cable.

Do I need to explicitly configure it in xorg.conf? What's the extent of attributes to be provided for the second display?

please find my xorg.conf (testing, when done and stable I will share it):

Section "Device"
    Identifier "Intel EMGD"
    Driver     "emgd"
    VendorName "Intel(R)"
    BoardName  "Embedded Graphics"
    BusID      "0:2:0"
    Screen     0
    Option     "PcfVersion"                          "1792"
    Option     "ConfigId"                            "1"
    Option     "ALL/1/name"                          "iemgd"
    Option     "ALL/1/General/VideoRAM"              "262144"
    Option     "ALL/1/General/PortOrder"             "42000"
    Option     "ALL/1/General/DisplayConfig"         "1"
    Option     "ALL/1/General/DisplayDetect"         "1"
    Option     "ALL/1/General/Accel"                 "1"
    Option     "ALL/1/General/TuningWA"              "1"
#    Option     "ALL/1/General/FbBlendOvl"            "1"
#    Option     "ALL/1/General/shadowfb"              "1"
#    Option     "ALL/1/General/tearfb"                "1"
#    Option     "ALL/1/General/DRI"                   "1"
#    Option     "ALL/1/General/DRI2"                  "1"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/General/name"           "LVDS"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/General/EdidAvail"      "1"
#    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/General/EdidNotAvail"   "4"
#    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/General/Rotation"       "0"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/General/Edid"           "1"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/FpInfo/BkltMethod"       "1"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Dtd/1/PixelClock"       "72300"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Dtd/1/HorzActive"       "1366"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Dtd/1/HorzSync"         "48"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Dtd/1/HorzSyncPulse"    "32"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Dtd/1/HorzBlank"        "160"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Dtd/1/VertActive"       "768"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Dtd/1/VertSync"         "3"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Dtd/1/VertSyncPulse"    "5"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Dtd/1/VertBlank"        "22"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Dtd/1/Flags"            "0x20000"
#    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Attr/27"                "0"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Attr/26"                "24"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Attr/60"                "1"
#    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Attr/70"                "100"
#    Option     "ALL/1/Port/4/Attr/71"                "20300"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/2/General/name"           "VGA"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/2/General/EdidAvail"      "1"
    Option     "ALL/1/Port/2/General/Edid"           "1"
    Option     "PortDrivers"                         "lvds sdvo"

#Section "DRI"
#    Group 0 
#    Mode 0666

#Section "Extensions"
#    Option "Composite" "enable"

#Section "ServerFlags"
thopiekar commented 8 years ago

For me it works when I take the EMGD GUI (you should find it in the menu when installed). There you should be able so setup the second screen as single display or clone of LVDS :)

By the way, which netbook do you have? vendor? model?

alterdaemon commented 8 years ago

In EMGD GUI combobox for second display is grayed out, I can't enable it.

Model: Sony Vaio VPC-X11Z1E/X (Intel Atom Z550)

thopiekar commented 8 years ago

Ok, this shouldn't happen. Do you use one of the default configurations? They are often a good start to create a own config. I also started with one of them and started tweaking the config using the user guide by Intel (a copy of it is in the repo). Soon I will hopefully find time to take a closer look at your config.

alterdaemon commented 8 years ago

Hi, I confirm that the VGA display is working with the configuration posted above :) The only problem is that I have to log out / log in after I plug the VGA cable to be able to choose the second display (as primary or for cloning)

Is there any workaround to that?

alterdaemon commented 8 years ago

Other thing is that you can include the configuration as fully working for: Sony Vaio VPC-X11Z1E/X (Intel Atom Z550)

thopiekar commented 8 years ago

Hmm, that's strange. As far as I rember you only have to reboot / relogin ( depending on your login managers setup) to apply your changes in xorg.conf. The last time I tested my setup I remember that cloning the desktop was working without relogin. Just make sure you use EMGD GUI. It is possible that generic tools, like those that come with your desktop, might not work.

I'll add this conf the next time I'll make patches on the DRM module.