EMI-INDO / emi-indo-cordova-plugin-admob

Cordova Plugin Admob Android | IOS
ISC License
13 stars 2 forks source link

If there is no Ad or frequency capping turn on app crashes. #2

Closed holanino closed 1 year ago

holanino commented 1 year ago

First of all thank you for updating and improving the plugin from the old admob plus.

I have an issue, when there is no Interstitial Ad to show the app crashes.

I have used the Test Ad and it works I switch to my own Ad and it works. But if I cap (put a limit) so it will not show an Interstitial Ad than 1 every hour, the app crashes. When I reopen app it keeps crashing when I go the the section the Interstitial should show. I turn the Interstitial limit off and the app works again.

Any suggestions?

(Also example if I click the Show Interstitial button before clicking Load Interstitial button the app crashes.)

EMI-INDO commented 1 year ago


Rename events or AdUnitId https://github.com/EMI-INDO/emi-indo-cordova-plugin-admob/blob/main/example/index.html

note release https://github.com/EMI-INDO/emi-indo-cordova-plugin-admob/releases/tag/v.0.0.3

holanino commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the update, it fixed to issue. Much Appreciated and will donate.