Closed merbin2012 closed 3 hours ago
sorry it looks like the documentation I made was wrong, I will update it later, the correct example
const bannerConfig = {
adUnitId: "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/9214589741", //Banner_ID,
position: "bottom-center",
size: "responsive_adaptive", // autoResize: true (only responsive_adaptive)
collapsible: "bottom", // position: top | bottom (disable, empty string)
autoResize: true, // on.screen.rotated === orientation.portrait || on.screen.rotated === orientation.landscape
autoShow: true, // boolean
// (Optional)
(data) => {
// this data will be displayed after showBannerAd() applies to all ad types
console.log("Micros: " + data.micros);
console.log("Currency: " + data.currency);
console.log("Precision: " + data.precision);
console.log("AdUnitId: " + data.adUnitId};
(error) => {
console.error("Error: " + error);
Key Point: getValueMicros() returns the value of the ad in micro units. For example, a getValueMicros() returned value of 5,000 means the ad is estimated to be worth $0.005.
@EMI-INDO Please note, not only documentation issues, two more issues are mentioned. Also, "data.micros" and all of you mention properties are undefined.
Turn on the setting for impression-level ad revenue in your AdMob account: Sign in to your AdMob account at Click Settings in the sidebar. Click the Account tab. In the Account controls section, click the Impression-level ad revenue toggle to turn on this setting.
Ooh, ok. Thanks for the information. Please let me know once all the issues are fixed.
@EMI-INDO Is there any updates regarding
1) In the above code, the adaptive banner ad is displayed and compared to the admob-plus plugin working very well. But it displays above the content, so it should be a problem, manually adjusting the CSS or HTML code is not a standard way.
2) Collapsible ad also not showing
overlapping. It's hard to handle this problem, because you didn't open the problem with the template, I don't know if you are using cordova or ioinc, whether it's capacitor I don't know, if you are using ioinc, when I test it in cordova it won't solve the problem.
Collapsible ad. I tested it in ad sdk 23+ Collapsible ad does not display on android, it works in the old version of the plugin, is this an sdk problem or the responsive banner size code that I created.
while on ios it works on all ad sdk versions.
In admob plus overlapping is perfectly working. I am using both Cordova and capacitor, in both I am only using Cordova admob plus plugin . Please tell me can I use this or not!? I think without overlapping it should be waste.
I currently have to finish some of my pending projects. All my cordova plugins are maintained as usual.
@EMI-INDO Thank you. Please let me know, if you done in future.
Hi This is a great plugin, the admob plus plugin is not working in my capacitor - iOS device, project, but worked in Capacitor - android. Also, I have tied other two capacitor admob plugin, but there app open ad and collapsible banner ad is not supported. BUT this plugin works in Capacitor - Android & Capacitor - iOS, the collapsible banner ad also working in iOS devices. Here in this plugin only major problem is the banner ad is displaying over the content but I have solved by using some mathematical calculation.
Currently, I have decided to use admob-plus in my Capacitor - Android project and emi-indo in my Capacitor-iOS project. Whenever the above two issues are fixed, I will completely move to this plugin.
Thank you very much.
To really separate the banner ad with the body I can't make it programmatically, If there is free time I will try it with xml
@EMI-INDO I have resolved the banner overlapping issue for the Android device
path: emi/indo/cordova/plugin/admob/emiAdmobPlugin.kt
I have just added "fixForBannerOverlapping()" method only.
override fun onAdLoaded() {
fixForBannerOverlapping() // <= This line added
val eventData = String.format(
"{\"collapsible\": \"%s\"}",
if (bannerView!!.isCollapsible) "collapsible" else "not collapsible"
The method "fixForBannerOverlapping" definition is fixForBannerOverlapping
private fun fixForBannerOverlapping() {
if (bannerView != null && mActivity != null && cWebView != null) {
mActivity!!.runOnUiThread {
try {
val bannerHeightInPx = bannerView!!.height
val displayMetrics = DisplayMetrics()
val screenHeightInPx = displayMetrics.heightPixels
// Adjust the WebView height to account for the banner ad
val webViewHeight = screenHeightInPx - (adSize.height+5)
val layoutParams = cWebView!!.view.layoutParams
layoutParams.height = webViewHeight
cWebView!!.view.layoutParams = layoutParams
// Log for debugging
Log.d("BannerAdjustment", "Adjusted WebView height: $webViewHeight")
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("AdmobPlugin", "Error adjusting WebView for banner: ${e.message}")
Note: 1) I have added +5, in "(adSize.height+5)", this is just for avoid exact position, I think, good, if you are get the this value from the user. The default value should be 0. 2) Also, please add a option to enable overlapping or not. I mean if(userWantNoOverlapping) fixForBannerOverlapping() 3) I have checked in my device "Redmi 11T pro", its working. Please check it from your side too.
Really, I like your plugin very much, because always you are trying to keep the admob latest version. Please let me know, this is ok or not and if you are published. Thank you
Good job, this is what I want for any problem. I mean, any problem has to be solved together, but most people just blame and don't want to try to solve the problem, instead they put the problem on me who can't solve the problem, as if I don't have any other projects.
later I will add the desired function including the parameter if(int){ (adSize.height+int) ...... }
Good job, this is what I want for any problem. I mean, any problem has to be solved together, but most people just blame and don't want to try to solve the problem, instead they put the problem on me who can't solve the problem, as if I don't have any other projects.
Yeah, the community on Github is not always friendly to the devs who do all the work.
But I wanted to say also "thank you" because of your work.
I use the Admob (Plus) plugin for Cordova since about ten years now and at the moment I use the "community" version, because the original version is not really maintained.
But I am looking forward to migrate to your plug-in, once I think it's the time to do so (depending on my needs and active projects).
I am not very good in Java, but try to help others out where I can on Github. I also did fix some bugs in the Admob Plus plug-in, but no one cares.
I even created a Cordova plug-in to to check and fix for this particular bug, so when I migrate to your plug-in I will continue helping here.
Now it's just a matter of Collapsible banner ads not working on android. I will fix it in the next 1 to 2 hours.
@EMI-INDO Thank you so much. I will completely check and close this issue in one day. I love your fast response
I have faced some new issue, for example while we hide the banner ad the webview height is not extended to full screen.
So we need to aware of the below three methods cordova.plugins.emiAdmobPlugin.showBannerAd() <= Already Fixed cordova.plugins.emiAdmobPlugin.hideBannerAd() <= When calling we need to adjust the webview height cordova.plugins.emiAdmobPlugin.removeBannerAd() <= When calling we need to adjust the webview height
Kindly check the below code.
private fun bannerOverlappingToZero() {
if (bannerView != null && mActivity != null && cWebView != null) {
mActivity!!.runOnUiThread {
try {
val rootView = (cWebView!!.view.parent as View) {
// Get the total height of the parent view
val totalHeight = rootView.height
// Adjust WebView height to match parent height
val layoutParams = cWebView!!.view.layoutParams
layoutParams.height = totalHeight
cWebView!!.view.layoutParams = layoutParams
// Ensure no padding/margin in WebView or its parent
cWebView!!.view.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0)
(cWebView!!.view.parent as? ViewGroup)?.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0)
// Force layout update
Log.d("BannerAdjustment", "WebView set to full height: $totalHeight")
} catch (e: Exception) {
Log.e("AdmobPlugin", "Error setting WebView to full height: ${e.message}")
We need to call this method in the following place
else if (action == "hideBannerAd") {
if(mActivity != null) {
mActivity!!.runOnUiThread {
if (isBannerShow) {
try {
bannerView!!.visibility = View.GONE
isBannerLoad = false
isBannerPause = 1
bannerOverlappingToZero() //<= New Line
} catch (e: Exception) {
return true
else if (action == "removeBannerAd") {
if(mActivity != null) {
mActivity!!.runOnUiThread {
try {
if (bannerViewLayout != null && bannerView != null) {
bannerView = null
bannerViewLayout = null
isBannerLoad = false
isBannerShow = false
isBannerPause = 2
lock = true
bannerOverlappingToZero() //<= New Line
} catch (e: Exception) {
PUBLIC_CALLBACKS!!.error("Error removing banner: " + e.message)
return true
Also, again we should need to adjust the webview, if the user show the banner ad.
else if (action == "showBannerAd") {
if(mActivity != null) {
mActivity!!.runOnUiThread {
if (isBannerPause == 0) {
} else if (isBannerPause == 1) {
try {
bannerView!!.visibility = View.VISIBLE
bannerOverlapping() //<= New Line
} catch (e: Exception) {
return true
I am just checking, not tested fully, still in testing.
Yeah wait a minute I need to debug it before pushing it to production.
And it seems that when banner position: “top-center” the webview does not move downwards
@EMI-INDO In "on.banner.failed.load" event also we need to call the bannerOverlappingToZero.
Otherwise when we don't have any ads it will be display like this
I'm not a capacitor user, and I'm trying to create documentation for capacitors, is this wrong or not?
Today I have decided to move from admob-plus to your awesome plugin. But in the implementation time, I was just check the banner ad only, it had the following issues.
I have tried the following code
1) In the above code, the adaptive banner ad is displayed and compared to the admob-plus plugin working very well. But it displays above the content, so it should be a problem, manually adjusting the CSS or HTML code is not a standard way.
2) collapsible ad also not showing
3) Documentation issue, one careless mistake is there, you have used "}" instead of ")" console.log("AdUnitId: " + data.adUnitId}; => console.log("AdUnitId: " + data.adUnitId);
Please fix those problems, and kindly let me know.