GGCAM-EML is developed based on Global Change Analysis Model (GCAM) developed by the Joint Global Change Research Institute (JGCRI). It provides powerful user-interface to analyze national energy system and emissions.
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How to add technology to 'global_tech_db' #3

Open muntaekim0331 opened 3 years ago

muntaekim0331 commented 3 years ago

You can now easily add one or multiple new service and technology into building sector using User-Interface (UI) of GCAM-EML. In ‘global_tech_db.xml’, characteristics (e.g. cost, efficiency, lifetime) of all sector’s technologies are defined. For example, various technologies ('comm cooking- gas range' , 'comm others - office equipment', 'resid lighting- incandescent', 'resid lighting- fluorescent', 'resid cooking - gas oven' and more) are included in there. GCAM-EML imports the list of technologies defined in ‘global_tech_db.xml’. In GCAM-EML, you can choose one of the technologies you want from the list and, modify its characteristics to be suitable for your country. However, adding a new technology not included in the file is currently not supported. In this case, you can add a technology by following the steps described below.

1 Check sector, subsector, and input of the technology. The technology should locate in right sector, subsector, and input.

For example, let you want to add technology ‘resid gas range for cooking’, it will be Technology sector : “resid cooking” , Technology subsector : “gas”, Technology : “gas range”, Input : “delivered gas”

2. Check the technology specification and parameter. In building sector, you need to input “internal gains output ratio”, “efficiency”, “direct CO2 emission”, “non-energy input cost”, “life time”, “half-life”, “lifetime shutdown type”, “lifetime steepness”. Detail information for each parameter, please visit: http://jgcri.github.io/gcam-doc/en_technologies.html.

For example, in global tech db, there is “resid gas oven” technology has such parameter like below. (you can see it in GCAM-EML, input – Global Tech DB)

3. edit xml code using ‘global tech db.xml’ The technology xml format seems difficult because of length, however you can easily add new technology refer to other technology in the same sector.

You can freely add new technology on the xml file for your own country technology. (But do not touch original written GCAM technology value. It can affect other reference scenario when you create new one. It's better to make new technology in same sector which has a little different name.)

For example, add “resid gas range” technology.

In this case, I copied ‘electric oven’ in “resid cooking” sector for base format.

<location-info sector-name="resid cooking" subsector-name="electricity">
                 <!-- ###  sector name is same.       change “electricity” to “gas”. -->
        <technology name="electric oven">
                  <!-- ### change “electric oven” to “gas range” -->
          <period year="1975">
               <!-- ### change output-ratio to “gas range’s output ratio”, 0.889 -->
            <minicam-energy-input name="elect_td_bld">
                                          <!-- ### change input name to “delivered gas” -->
           <!-- ### change efficiency to “gas range’s efficiency”, 0.45 -->
            <CO2 name="CO2"/>
            <minicam-non-energy-input name="non-energy">
               <!-- ### change “non-energy input-cost” to “gas range’s non-energy input cost”, 2.44 -->

      <!-- ### .....    
             ### period repeat using same formed until 2010, 
             ### from 2015, add life time information after </minicam-non-energy-input>
             ### … -->

<period year="2015">
                           <!-- ### change output-ratio to “gas range’s output ratio”, 0.889 -->
            <minicam-energy-input name="elect_td_bld">
                                   <!-- ### change input name to “delivered gas” -->
                   <!-- ### change efficiency to “gas range’s efficiency”, 0.45 --->
            <CO2 name="CO2"/>
            <minicam-non-energy-input name="non-energy">
               <!-- ### change “non-energy input-cost” to “gas range’s non-energy input cost”, 2.44 -->
            <!-- ### change “life time” to “gas range’s life time”, 30 -->
            <s-curve-shutdown-decider name="s-curve">
            <!-- ### change “steepness” to “gas range’s steepness”, 0.1932 -->
              <!-- ### change “steepness” to “gas range’s steepness”, 15 -->

                   <!-- ### …
                         ### period repeat using same formed until 2100 
                         ### ..... -->


Like example. You can copy other technology which has same sector and paste it to text or other xml edit tool to edit easily.

If you edit the code out of “global_tech_db.xml”, copy the changed xml code from 1975 to 2100 and add it to location where it would be. It would be better to locate the copied xml code at the same sector where the sector and other similar technology located. It will help you find and fix your code easily.

  1. After input xml code If you fix the xml file while turning on the GCAM-EML, then close and re-open the program and check new tech what you added in the xml file,

Then, you can see the technology what you just added and make your reference scenario better.