EMS-TU-Ilmenau / fastmat

A library to build up lazily evaluated expressions of linear transforms for efficient scientific computing.
Apache License 2.0
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Include current version when building docs #51

Closed ChristophWWagner closed 5 years ago

ChristophWWagner commented 5 years ago

The caption of the generated HTML documentation always reads 'fastmat 1.0'. Instead the current version tag should be read from /fastmat/version.py (this file gets maintained by setup.py and always reflects the package version)

We should fix this as fast as possible as it is bad when we can't distinguish different versions of the documentation

ChristophWWagner commented 5 years ago

Also, trying to build the doc using setup.py build_doc


$ python setup.py build_doc
Override of version string to '0.1.2.post1' (from .version file )
Set fastmat/version.py to '0.1.2'
Building fastmat v0.1.2.post1 for Linux.
Requirements for setup: []
Requirements for install: []
running build_doc
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "setup.py", line 377, in <module>
  File "/home/nutzer/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/__init__.py", line 140, in setup
    return distutils.core.setup(**attrs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/core.py", line 151, in setup
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py", line 953, in run_commands
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py", line 970, in run_command
    cmd_obj = self.get_command_obj(command)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py", line 846, in get_command_obj
    cmd_obj = self.command_obj[command] = klass(self)
  File "setup.py", line 239, in __init__
    super(OwnDoc, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: super() argument 1 must be type, not classobj

pip dump:

$ pip list
alabaster (0.7.12)
astroid (1.4.9)
Babel (2.6.0)
backports-abc (0.5)
backports.functools-lru-cache (1.5)
backports.shutil-get-terminal-size (1.0.0)
beautifulsoup4 (4.5.3)
certifi (2018.10.15)
chardet (3.0.4)
chrome-gnome-shell (0.0.0)
configparser (3.3.0.post2)
cryptography (1.7.1)
cycler (0.10.0)
Cython (0.25.2)
decorator (4.0.11)
docutils (0.14)
entrypoints (0.2.2.post2)
enum34 (1.1.6)
funcsigs (1.0.2)
functools32 (3.2.3.post2)
futures (3.0.5)
html5lib (0.999999999)
idna (2.7)
imagesize (1.1.0)
ipaddress (1.0.17)
ipykernel (4.5.2)
ipython (5.1.0)
ipython-genutils (0.1.0)
ipywidgets (5.2.2)
isort (4.2.5)
Jinja2 (2.10)
jsonschema (2.5.1)
jupyter-client (4.4.0)
jupyter-core (4.2.1)
keyring (10.1)
keyrings.alt (1.3)
kiwisolver (1.0.1)
LabTools (0.1)
lazy-object-proxy (1.2.2)
lxml (3.7.1)
MarkupSafe (1.1.0)
matplotlib (2.2.3)
mistune (0.7.3)
mock (2.0.0)
nbconvert (4.2.0)
nbformat (4.2.0)
notebook (4.2.3)
numpy (1.15.2)
packaging (18.0)
pathlib2 (2.1.0)
pbr (1.10.0)
pexpect (4.2.1)
pickleshare (0.7.4)
Pillow (4.0.0)
pip (9.0.1)
prompt-toolkit (1.0.9)
ptyprocess (0.5.1)
pyasn1 (0.1.9)
pycodestyle (2.4.0)
pycrypto (2.6.1)
pyflakes (1.3.0)
Pygments (2.2.0)
pygobject (3.22.0)
pygraphviz (1.4rc1)
pylint (1.6.5)
pyOpenSSL (16.2.0)
pyparsing (2.3.0)
python-dateutil (2.7.3)
pytz (2018.7)
pyxdg (0.25)
pyzmq (16.0.2)
requests (2.20.1)
roman (2.0.0)
scapy (unknown.version)
scipy (1.1.0)
scour (0.32)
SecretStorage (2.3.1)
setuptools (40.5.0)
simplegeneric (0.8.1)
singledispatch (
six (1.11.0)
snowballstemmer (1.2.1)
Sphinx (1.8.1)
sphinxcontrib-programoutput (0.8.dev20160801)
sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.1.0)
subprocess32 (3.5.3)
terminado (0.6)
tornado (4.4.3)
traitlets (4.3.1)
typing (3.6.6)
urllib3 (1.24.1)
virtualenv (15.1.0)
wcwidth (0.1.7)
webencodings (0.5)
wheel (0.29.0)
wrapt (1.9.0)
wxPython (
wxPython-common (
SebastianSemper commented 5 years ago

For me the current bugfix branch cythonizes, builds and sphinxes without complaints. :-/

On Fri, 9 Nov 2018 at 13:18, Christoph Wagner notifications@github.com wrote:

Also, trying to build the doc using setup.py build_doc


$ python setup.py build_doc Override of version string to '0.1.2.post1' (from .version file ) Set fastmat/version.py to '0.1.2' Building fastmat v0.1.2.post1 for Linux. Requirements for setup: [] Requirements for install: [] running build_doc Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 377, in ext_modules=lazyCythonize(extensions) File "/home/nutzer/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/setuptools/init.py", line 140, in setup return distutils.core.setup(*attrs) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/core.py", line 151, in setup dist.run_commands() File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py", line 953, in run_commands self.run_command(cmd) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py", line 970, in run_command cmd_obj = self.get_command_obj(command) File "/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/dist.py", line 846, in get_command_obj cmd_obj = self.command_obj[command] = klass(self) File "setup.py", line 239, in init super(OwnDoc, self).init(args, **kwargs) TypeError: super() argument 1 must be type, not classobj

pip dump:

$ pip list alabaster (0.7.12) astroid (1.4.9) Babel (2.6.0) backports-abc (0.5) backports.functools-lru-cache (1.5) backports.shutil-get-terminal-size (1.0.0) beautifulsoup4 (4.5.3) certifi (2018.10.15) chardet (3.0.4) chrome-gnome-shell (0.0.0) configparser (3.3.0.post2) cryptography (1.7.1) cycler (0.10.0) Cython (0.25.2) decorator (4.0.11) docutils (0.14) entrypoints (0.2.2.post2) enum34 (1.1.6) funcsigs (1.0.2) functools32 (3.2.3.post2) futures (3.0.5) html5lib (0.999999999) idna (2.7) imagesize (1.1.0) ipaddress (1.0.17) ipykernel (4.5.2) ipython (5.1.0) ipython-genutils (0.1.0) ipywidgets (5.2.2) isort (4.2.5) Jinja2 (2.10) jsonschema (2.5.1) jupyter-client (4.4.0) jupyter-core (4.2.1) keyring (10.1) keyrings.alt (1.3) kiwisolver (1.0.1) LabTools (0.1) lazy-object-proxy (1.2.2) lxml (3.7.1) MarkupSafe (1.1.0) matplotlib (2.2.3) mistune (0.7.3) mock (2.0.0) nbconvert (4.2.0) nbformat (4.2.0) notebook (4.2.3) numpy (1.15.2) packaging (18.0) pathlib2 (2.1.0) pbr (1.10.0) pexpect (4.2.1) pickleshare (0.7.4) Pillow (4.0.0) pip (9.0.1) prompt-toolkit (1.0.9) ptyprocess (0.5.1) pyasn1 (0.1.9) pycodestyle (2.4.0) pycrypto (2.6.1) pyflakes (1.3.0) Pygments (2.2.0) pygobject (3.22.0) pygraphviz (1.4rc1) pylint (1.6.5) pyOpenSSL (16.2.0) pyparsing (2.3.0) python-dateutil (2.7.3) pytz (2018.7) pyxdg (0.25) pyzmq (16.0.2) requests (2.20.1) roman (2.0.0) scapy (unknown.version) scipy (1.1.0) scour (0.32) SecretStorage (2.3.1) setuptools (40.5.0) simplegeneric (0.8.1) singledispatch ( six (1.11.0) snowballstemmer (1.2.1) Sphinx (1.8.1) sphinxcontrib-programoutput (0.8.dev20160801) sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.1.0) subprocess32 (3.5.3) terminado (0.6) tornado (4.4.3) traitlets (4.3.1) typing (3.6.6) urllib3 (1.24.1) virtualenv (15.1.0) wcwidth (0.1.7) webencodings (0.5) wheel (0.29.0) wrapt (1.9.0) wxPython ( wxPython-common (

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