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Installation #179

Open EffettiCollaterali opened 3 weeks ago

EffettiCollaterali commented 3 weeks ago

Dear all, I had some problems during the installation as the only definition of the path in which EMsoft_SDK is located is not enough to build the program with cmake. I also tried to include the path to the libraries included in EMsoft_SDK by hand, as shown below, but in principle, the packages should be found by only setting the EMsoft_SDK folder, no? Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance, Andrea

effetticollaterali@effetticollaterali:~/PROGRAMS/EMsoft/Release$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DHDF5_DIR=/HDF_Group/HDF5/ -Djsonfortran-gnu_DIR=/home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoftSuperbuild/EMsoft_SDK/superbuild/jsonfortran/Build/Release/ -DCLFortran_DIR=/home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoftSuperbuild/EMsoft_SDK/CLFortran-0.0.1-Release/lib/cmake/CLFortran/ -Dbcls_DIR=/home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoftSuperbuild/EMsoft_SDK/bcls-0.1-Release/lib/cmake/bcls/ -DEMsoft_SDK=../../../EMsoftSuperbuild/EMsoft_SDK ../../EMsoft CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:23 (include): include could not find load file:


-- * STARTING EMsoft CONFIGURATION *** -- EMsoft_SDK Location: ../../../EMsoftSuperbuild/EMsoft_SDK -- Populating shtfile -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoft/Release/SHTfile/shtfile-subbuild [ 11%] Performing update step for 'shtfile-populate' [ 22%] No configure step for 'shtfile-populate' [ 33%] No build step for 'shtfile-populate' [ 44%] No install step for 'shtfile-populate' [ 55%] No test step for 'shtfile-populate' [ 66%] Completed 'shtfile-populate' [100%] Built target shtfile-populate -- HDF5 [1.14.4] Location: /HDF_Group/HDF5/ -- jsonfortran Location: -- Finding FFTW3 -- FFTW3_LIBRARY: FFTW3_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND -- FFTW3_INCLUDE_DIR: FFTW3_INCLUDE_DIR-NOTFOUND -- A library with LAPACK API found. -- OpenCL_FOUND: TRUE -- OpenCL_VERSION_STRING: 2.2 -- OpenCL has CPP bindings:: NO -- CLFortran Found: CLFortran_LIB_PATH-NOTFOUND -- HDF5_VERSION_MAJOR: 1.14 -- EMsoft: Enabling public DictionaryIndexing Modality -- EMsoft: Enabling public GBs Modality -- EMsoft: Enabling public EEC Modality -- EMsoft: Enabling public OLIO Modality -- EMsoft: Enabling public OM Modality -- EMsoft: Enabling public pyEMsoft Modality CMake Error at Source/pyEMsoft/CMakeLists.txt:11 (get_filename_component): get_filename_component called with incorrect number of arguments

CMake Error at Source/pyEMsoft/CMakeLists.txt:12 (get_filename_component): get_filename_component called with incorrect number of arguments

-- Configuring run_pyEMsoft.sh script in /home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoft/Release folder -- EMsoft: Enabling public SEM Modality CMake Error at Source/SEM/CMakeLists.txt:5 (find_package): By not providing "FindNLopt.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "NLopt", but CMake did not find one.

Could not find a package configuration file provided by "NLopt" with any of the following names:


Add the installation prefix of "NLopt" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "NLopt_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "NLopt" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed.

CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: /home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoft/Source/EMsoftLib/FFTW3_INCLUDE_DIR used as include directory in directory /home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoft/Source/EMsoftLib /home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoft/Source/EMsoftWrapperLib/FFTW3_INCLUDE_DIR used as include directory in directory /home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoft/Source/EMsoftWrapperLib FFTW3_LIBRARY (ADVANCED) linked by target "EMsoftLib" in directory /home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoft/Source/EMsoftLib

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! See also "/home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoft/Release/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". See also "/home/effetticollaterali/PROGRAMS/EMsoft/Release/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log"

elena-pascal commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Andrea,

Yes, it used to be that you only needed EMsoft_SDK path. What errors led you to believe that you needed to be more specific? Can you post the output with just SDK path?

Having a look at your ../../../EMsoftSuperbuild/EMsoft_SDK/EMsoft_SDK.cmake relative path it looks to me like it maybe wouldn't match the the location of the SDK folder. Aren't you maybe going up the folder structure one too many times? It also seems that you didn't follow the instructions to create a new Build folder which is fine but then you need to modify your relative paths.