I am running the ATAC-seq pipeline for the first time. I noticed that my jobs are running but they have been stuck in the same initial step for a while now. it's a very simple job, paired reads no replicates.
It has been 6 days with no progress
I have a lot of samples that I need to process. This is my script for the first 30
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --job-name=atac_pipeline # Job name
#SBATCH -p quick
#SBATCH -t 02:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --mem=4G
#SBATCH --output=/gs/gsfs0/users/marlrodrig/aging_project/ATAC_seq/scripts/encode_atac_pipeline/logs/atac_pipeline.%A_%a.out
#SBATCH --array=1-30%30
#### Directory containing the JSON files
LINE=$(sed -n "$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID"p "$JSON_path")
echo $LINE
module load java/13
# Submit the job and get the job ID
caper hpc submit $pipeline/atac.wdl -i $LINE --singularity --leader-job-name "atac_\${LINE}"
for ITER in 1 2 3
sbatch --export=ALL -J cromwell_82d172bd_read_genome_tsv -D /gs/gsfs0/home/marlrodrig/a
a/call-read_genome_tsv -o /gs/gsfs0/home/marlrodrig/aging_project/ATAC_seq/scripts/encode_a
t -e /gs/gsfs0/home/marlrodrig/aging_project/ATAC_seq/scripts/encode_atac_pipeline/atac/82d
172bd-aaea-4db7-988d-04767d16b63a/call-read_genome_tsv/execution/stderr \
-p unlimited \
-n 1 --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=2048M --time=240 \
82d172bd-aaea-4db7-988d-04767d16b63a/call-read_genome_tsv/execution/script.caper && exit 0
sleep 30
exit 1
2023-08-01 12:24:35,816 INFO - DispatchedConfigAsyncJobExecutionActor [UUID(82d172bd)atac.
read_genome_tsv:NA:1]: job id: 146435
2023-08-01 12:24:35,832 INFO - DispatchedConfigAsyncJobExecutionActor [UUID(82d172bd)atac.
read_genome_tsv:NA:1]: Cromwell will watch for an rc file but will *not* double-check wheth
er this job is actually alive (unless Cromwell restarts)
2023-08-01 12:24:35,833 INFO - DispatchedConfigAsyncJobExecutionActor [UUID(82d172bd)atac.
read_genome_tsv:NA:1]: Status change from - to Running
Similar issues that been posted here, however it seems that this problem arises from many scenarios. I have not gotten an error.
Hi, I am running the ATAC-seq pipeline for the first time. I noticed that my jobs are running but they have been stuck in the same initial step for a while now. it's a very simple job, paired reads no replicates. It has been 6 days with no progress
I have a lot of samples that I need to process. This is my script for the first 30
my json
here is the tail of the slurm*out
Similar issues that been posted here, however it seems that this problem arises from many scenarios. I have not gotten an error.
Thanks in advance, I hope to hear from you soon.