ENIB-Community / glossarium

Glossarium is a simple typst glossary.
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Having a glossary without printing #39

Open CronJorian opened 1 month ago

CronJorian commented 1 month ago

It would be great to have the benefits of a glossary without it being required to be printed. As in: image

I think this may be useful for others too, who write papers for example as it is neat to use the acronyms in text, but the glossary takes way too much space.

I hope it is clear what I am suggesting. I looked into your docs but I didn't find any hint how to accomplish this in the current state.

slashformotion commented 1 month ago

At the moment this is not possible. It is very doable but it would require some changes in glossarium's API.

This usecase could be supported in a futur release.

CronJorian commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the quick answer :) Then I'll close this issue as not planned. If you want to reopen it or something, just do it