EOGrady21 / VPR_viewer

A shiny app to visualize plankton data and images from the Video Plankton Recorder
MIT License
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Development Requests #12

Closed EOGrady21 closed 2 years ago

EOGrady21 commented 2 years ago

After meeting with collaborators (@kevinsorochan & @cathjohnson), a series of development requests and tweaks have been proposed.

Short term:

Long term:

kevinsorochan commented 2 years ago

Maybe consider Plotly for interactive plotting

EOGrady21 commented 2 years ago

Interactive plotting has been demo'd with a minimal example. It is very much possible, I used plotly in the example. If there is a strong interest I will develop this feature and integrate it with the rest of the app but for now it is on hold.